Thursday, March 27, 2014

Open letter to Social Security Tribunal by disabled claimant

Open letter:
via Surviving a Collision -

via Faximile 1-855-814-4117
via Email

March 19, 2014

Social Security Tribunal
PO Box 9812 C.P. 9812 / Station T CSC Station T, SPC
Ottawa ON K1G6S3

Re: Notice of Appeal
HRSDC File Number: W-CHAxxxxxxx
Tribunal Number: GP-xx-xxx

Dear Social Security Tribunal:

Further to your Acknowledgement of the “Notice of Appeal” dated February 28, 2014, the following is my response.

The Social Security Tribunal and Service Canada both now have not responded to my letters.

To make matters even worse you can also inflict an unreasonable delay of up to “365 days from the date the appeal was filed to sign a Notice of Readiness and send it to the Tribunal”.

Are you kidding me?

Seriously......... is this a joke,

............... 365 days?

What exactly is a neadyness of what?

When you are ready you will send a form to the Tribunal. Why will you send it to yourself?
Why would it take that long?
You say in your letter I will be getting and will be signing more forms , why doesn't that surprise me. When, how long will this take?
Really....... this is a joke right?

Can someone Google these things for me ?

Knowone has called me from your office to explain anything, or answer my letters.
This process is designed to inflict more bullshit to a crash survivors life.
Maybe its designed so the survivor will die from this crap and you wont have to pay.

Six years fighting for the right to receive benefits that I paid for all my adult life was not enough!

Having the security I paid for diminished to a game of doctors pay for hire antics was not enough!

The years being ignored by Service Canada has not been enough!

Now its obvious that I am suppose to take what little I have to get a lawyer to get what should have been automatic after the fatal crash that was not my fault.
Unfortunately what little I have, I need to survive on for the rest of my life, the lawyers can't have it,and the doctors have made enough money from my misfortune.

Maybe the settlement from the crash should have been enough....oh ya.....that didn't happen because of the backlog to justice caused by the insurance industry and look-the-other-way government officials that should be making the insurance industry uphold agreements.

So now its only reasonable that I consult the public for help.

Has anyone seen this shit before?

How can we fix this process so other crash survivors are not put threw it.
They write “we realize that you cannot work now” at the same time deny my application for a benefit I am clearly entitled to.

And now you can delay this fiasco for up to a year

This is a joke right?

Surviving a Collision

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