Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Ontario’s Shame and Scandal – how the injured and disabled are punished by government policy

Victim’s group calls for the Auditor General and the Ontario Ombudsman to investigate what is happening to Ontario’s injured and disabled citizens

TORONTO, November 17, 2015 PRESS RELEASE - Ontario auto insurers are poised to make higher profits on the backs of Ontario’s disabled and injured MVA victims in 2016 while continuing to build up the provincial deficit by downloading the expense of victims to the taxpayers. Recently passed legislation means that coverage for the most injured MVA victims will be cut in half.

In October Ontario’s over 9 million drivers learned through the Lazar Prisman Report that they had been overcharged for auto insurance and likely overpaid by $1.5 billion in the last two years alone.

In recent weeks we learned just how challenging recovery is and how poorly the WSIB injured workers are treated in the Prescription Over-Ruled: Report on How Ontario’s Workplace Safety and Insurance Board Systematically Ignores the Advice of Medical Professionals.

How are these two stories related? Both systems are focused on their bottom line profits and their investments and not on recovery or the best interests of their clients. Both systems are based on medical evidence to support or deny claims; access to treatments and benefits relies on it. So what happens if those medical examinations aren’t reliable?

Ontario’s auto insurance companies have been delaying and denying their customer’s claims by way of poor quality or biased medical opinion reports in much the same way as is happening at the WSIB. Many of the same experts are employed under the two systems and those assessors who are auto insurers’ “preferred vendors” of these “independent” assessments are often beholden to the company that pays them. Similar to the WSIB assessment model where expectations are to be met or there are consequences.

Providing auto insurers’ with “favourable” medico-legal opinions by minimizing/trivializing legitimate injuries is unethical and it should be treated as a form of fraud. It is after all the mirror image of the type of fraud the FSCO, the Insurance Bureau of Canada and the WSIB say they won’t tolerate.

The insurers’ assessment is the only component of our broken Ontario auto insurance regime that has escaped regulatory scrutiny. It is the corrupted insurer medico-legal (IME/IE) assessment system that stands between injured claimants and their access to the Statutory Accident Benefits (SABs).

The current legislation allows auto insurers to deny policy benefits (including treatment, income replacement, attendant care, etc.) to seriously injured auto victims solely on the basis of the opinions of these second opinion insurer assessments commissioned to question the validity of the diagnosis and prognosis of attending physicians and treatment providers.

No matter how many attending physicians attest to the legitimacy of an injury ultimately the insurer assessor’s opinion (even if unqualified or biased) trumps those of the attending physicians’ in terms of the injured claimant’s eligibility for treatment and benefits.

The legislative changes and cuts to coverage will find many untreated and injured MVA victims dumped onto our OHIP and public supports systems. Insurers have been taking advantage of the taxpayer who ends up paying the costs of car crash survivors through Ontario Works (OW) and Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP). Insurers’ profits and WSIB books get balanced while victims end up impoverished and at the food bank.

Ontario’s injured and disabled individuals deserve better treatment at the hands of our government be they car crash survivors or WSIB claimants. They have the right to expect to have their medical conditions addressed through the recommendations of their treating physicians and providers who shouldn’t be second-guessed by “hired gun” insurer ‘experts’.

We ask that the Ontario Ombudsman look into the systemic abuse of Ontario’s victims and why the Financial Services Commission of Ontario and the Minister of Finance have failed to protect the interests and well-being of injured Ontarians with meaningful regulation and enforcement.

We ask the Auditor General to look into the reasons why the Minister of Finance (MOF) has not taken action on the Auditor General’s 2011 report recommendation that an update on the assessment of health system costs be done. These are the costs to the taxpayer through our medical systems that should be paid by Ontario’s insurers through a transfer of funds. Health care costs and the volume of MVA victims dependent on our social supports have increased substantially since the inception of No-Fault insurance. Yet the transfer of funds from Ontario's insurers to the province has not increased since 2006 before the majority of MVA victims have had their med/rehab claims capped at $3500.00 in 2010, down from $100,000.00 in previous years.

We would ask the Auditor General to go further and assess the cost of the public supports to unpaid MVA victims and WSIB claimants when they are downloaded to OW, ODSP and ultimately CPP Disability. Ontario’s insurers will slash benefits in half to $1 million for med/rehab/attendant care for the most catastrophically injured MVA victims in June of 2016. This will have far reaching costs to taxpayers who not only pay the highest auto insurance premiums in Canada but who are also going to have to pick up the majority of the costs of seriously injured MVA victims and provide additional services through OHIP.

Our auto insurance system is surely broken when insurers are so routinely using our courts as a tool to deny claims. According to StatCan there are over 61,000 auto insurance related cases waiting for hearings in Ontario civil court and over 19,000 more MVA victims at the Financial Services waiting for hearings. All of these delays and denials have a cost and insurers don’t seem to be the ones paying for it.

SOURCE FAIR Association of Victims for Accident Insurance Reform is a not-for-profit organization of MVA victims and their supporters. http://www.fairassociation.ca/

For further information: Media Contact: Rhona DesRoches, 705 543-0574, fairautoinsurance@gmail.com

FSCO: Chronic Pain Removes Applicant from Minor Injury Guideline

On July 7, 2015, the Financial Services Commission of Ontario (FSCO) released its decision in Arruda v Western Assurance (FSCO A13-003926, July 7, 2015), providing additional analysis of the MIG. In this decision, Arbitrator Shapiro found that despite having suffered soft-tissue injuries in the subject accident, Ms. Arruda’s subsequent chronic pain diagnosis took her out of the Minor Injury Guideline.......


Accident Benefit Coalition Victim Survey

Accident Benefit Coalition Victim Survey is for Accident Victims who were injured in Ontario Motor Vehicle Collisions (MVCs). The purpose is to collect information regarding victims’ experience in regards to obtaining Ontario Accident Benefits from insurers. Absolutely no personal information is collected or shared.

The Accident Benefit Coalition (ABC) consists of a membership of Ontarians concerned with issues surrounding the provinces’ mandatory Accident Benefits. It was founded by NeuroConnect and FAIR Association and is committed to advocating for Accident Victims in Ontario.

Please share this survey with others you know who have gone through the claims experience!


Dr. Fred Lazar and Dr. Eli Prisman have updated the 2013 report to include data for 2014. The update found that consumers likely overpaid by $1.5 billion in the last two years alone. This includes overpayments of $700 million (or about $100 for each insurance policy) in 2014 on top of the $840 million in 2013. In addition to overpaying for insurance, the report concluded that the total industrywide profits in 2014 alone were 10.6 per cent – or nearly twice the levels considered reasonable. To read more about auto insurance and to download a copy of the report, click the “Download The Report” icon on the right side of this page.....


Sudbury doctors lead WSIB charge

Spurred on by concerns raised by Sudbury doctors, the NDP on Thursday called for the province to investigate what it calls the Workplace Safety and Insurance Board's interference with the medical care of injured workers.......



Doctor suing WSIB and former employer over fraud claims

(Canadian OH&S News) — A Hamilton, Ont. doctor has filed a lawsuit against the Workplace Safety and Insurance Board (WSIB) and her former employer, Workplace Health & Cost Solutions (WHCS) in Vaughan, for wrongful dismissal from the latter — claiming that the former tried to force her to change her medical opinion about an injured worker, before pressuring the latter to fire her....


Whistleblower Report Exposes WSIB Interference in Medical Care:

Doctors Allege Injured Workers are Re-Victimized by the Compensation System
(TORONTO, ON) ─ The Ontario Federation of Labour (OFL) and the Ontario Network of Injured Workers’ Groups (ONIWG) today released a damning report exposing interference on the part of the Workplace Safety and Insurance Board (WSIB) in the medical care of injured workers.

Prescription Over-Ruled: Report on How Ontario’s Workplace Safety and Insurance Board Systematically Ignores the Advice of Medical Professionals 

WSIB ignoring medical advice: Report

A new report suggests Ontario’s workers’ compensation system is interfering with medical care for injured workers, sometimes going against doctor’s orders.

WSIB Relies on Expert Health Care Professionals to Support Injured Worker Recovery

TORONTO, Nov. 5, 2015 /CNW/ - The Ontario Federation of Labour (OFL) has announced that it will release a report alleging that the Workplace Safety and Insurance Board (WSIB) ignores opinions and recommendations from some health care providers. Unfortunately, the OFL report was not shared or discussed with the WSIB in advance, but we would be happy to review any files that they would like to bring to our attention.

Ontario psychologists claim WSIB unfairly denying patient claims

Source: Fair Association of Victims for Accident Insurance Reform



Common drugs may interfere with spinal or brain injury recovery

The use of certain common medications could delay the recovery of patients with a brain or spinal cord injury, says a research team at the University of East Anglia and other universities in the United Kingdom. The findings were published on August 9, 2015, in the journal Brain Injury...


People with back injuries treated with opioids off work longer: study

Disability claimants who are off work because of low back pain stay off longer if they're being treated with opioids, according to a new study out of McMaster University....

Painkillers linked to hundreds of deaths....



Ontario’s disabled call out Wynne’s hypocrisy during Parapan Am Games

As the 2015 Parapan Am Games get underway, Ontario’s Liberal government is quietly cutting insurance benefits to the province’s most disabled, while filling the pockets of insurance companies....


The deck is stacked against injured MVA victims if they choose litigation

Unlike other types of litigation in Ontario, personal injury actions arising from motor vehicle accidents are stacked against plaintiffs from the beginning....


Hard road for car crash victims

Why is the Ontario government taking away money they deserve and transferring it to the insurance industry?

How nice for the insurance industry. Take money from deserving accident victims and give it to insurance companies.
Instead of increasing the deductible the government ought to abolish it.
There’s no principled reason to apply a deductible....



Should pain-and-suffering deductibles be abolished?

In August, the Ontario government passed a regulation that increased the mandatory deductible for no-fault pain and suffering claims from $30,000 to $36,540, and one law expert feels that this was done “without any debate or meaningful notice.”.....


Sunday, December 13, 2015

Profits Soar for Ontario Auto Insurance Companies

The stated aim of the deductible is to eliminate “nuisance” cases from the system. But that is achieved by the threshold. The deductible is just another way to line the pockets of auto insurance companies. If the Ontario government sees the need to tie the deductible to inflation,why are no-fault accident benefits not tied to inflation?.......

Last week, an updated study from York University School of Business Professors Fred Lazar and Eli Prisman was released that reveals consumers likely overpaid $1.5 billion in the last two years for auto insurance. This includes overpayments of $700 million (or about $100 for each insurance policy) in 2014 on top of the $840 million ($120 per policy) in 2013.....


Wednesday, December 9, 2015

WANTED MEDICAL Professionals

Canadian Insurance News is conducting an investigation into the Minister of Employment and Social Development office in Chatham Ontario Canada.

Mostly we are looking for information that will lead to the procecution of the medical individules reposible for the backlog of appeals going to the Social Security tribunal of Canada.

Help us help disabled Canadians get what they paid for and make sure these pay-for-hire government doctors stop delaying, denying, and using wait for them to die tactics against legitimately disabled Canadians.

We can only fix the problems at the Social Development office in Chatham if we work together to expose these corrupt induviduals and set an example of just one of them.

Do you have a story that needs to be told? Contact us at canadianinsurancenews at g mail dot com.

Canadian Insurance News


Sunday, December 6, 2015

Ontario Taking Action to Protect Patient Privacy and Improve Transparency

Ontario intends to introduce legislation today that, if passed, would improve privacy, accountability and transparency in the health care system with new measures that put patients first.....


Fired Hamilton doctor sues WSIB over "fraud upon the public”

Dr. Brenda Steinnagel, 50, is alleging in her statement of claim that she was terminated last April after the WSIB repeatedly demanded that her employer, Vaughan-based Workplace Health and Cost Solutions, change the medical opinion she authored on a hospital worker who was claiming benefits after suffering head injuries while trying to restrain a patient.....


WSIB lawsuit: Fired hospital worker details struggles after losing his claim

An injured hospital worker who says his claim was denied by the Workplace Safety and Insurance Board — despite backup from a doctor who allegedly provided a medical opinion in his favour — is going public with how he struggled to earn a living after losing his job......


Preventable Medical Error Is Canadian Healthcare's Silent Killer

In Canada, medical errors and hospital-acquired infections claim between 30,000 and 60,000 lives annually. Thousands more are injured. Then there is the ocean of emotional harm that engulfs families when a loved one is lost to the kind of hospital mishap experts say is often preventable....


Medical marijuana seems to help chronic pain patients: Study

TORONTO -- A benchmark study has found that patients who use medical marijuana to treat chronic pain don't have more serious side-effects than sufferers who don't use the herb....


MDs legal insurer should be made accountable

the Canadian Medical Protective Association, which has $3.2 billion in funds heavily subsidized by the province through Ontario doctors, should be subject to regular audits by the Auditor General and be required to make public how much it pays out to injured patients and how much it is spending on legal costs to defend doctors..........


Stress load on family caregivers in Ontario doubles in four years

TORONTO -- A new report says the stress load on people helping to care for an elderly or sick family member or friend has more than doubled in Ontario in the past four years...


OTLA: Updated study shows Ontario auto insurance is "fundamentally broken"

TORONTO, Oct. 15, 2015 /CNW/ - An updated study released today provides alarming new data on auto insurance in Ontario.
The study, conducted by York University Schulich School of Business Professors Fred Lazar and Eli Prisman, reveals that consumers likely overpaid by $1.5 billion in the last two years alone. This includes overpayments of $700 million (or about $100 for each insurance policy) in 2014 on top of the $840 million ($120 per policy) in 2013......


Ontarians pay more than double in car insurance

The price of car insurance is always a hot topic in this province. It costs Ontarians more than double to drive here, than anywhere else in Canada. New figures released today show rates have fallen marginally, less than 1%… and now an independent report found the auto insurance industry is raking in large government guaranteed profits. As Kate Carnegie reports, the liberals admitted today they have more work to do to lower the rates for drivers....


OHIP subsidizes 81% of the CMPA fees

last year taxpayers paid almost $200 million to subsidize the legal defences of doctors sued civilly or involved in regulatory claims. This figure is projected to keep rising.

Some suggest that given this taxpayer funding there should be accountability and transparency on how the CMPA spends its money.


Accident Victim or MVA Professional? Help us Rate Auto Insurance Companies

Since auto insurance is mandatory in Ontario, information on how these companies rank should be made available. We have created two surveys to collect this information.....


Orillia woman involved in serious collision slams province’s planned changes to insurance industry

Tammy Kirkwood said the province’s plan to reduce auto-insurance benefits that was passed as part of the budget earlier this year will severely hurt crash victims requiring extensive care....


College of physicians and surgeons shares information with police about MDs' alleged criminal acts

For the first time, the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario has started forwarding decisions of its disciplinary committee to police when potential criminal acts by doctors ......

