Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Ontario’s Shame and Scandal – how the injured and disabled are punished by government policy

Victim’s group calls for the Auditor General and the Ontario Ombudsman to investigate what is happening to Ontario’s injured and disabled citizens

TORONTO, November 17, 2015 PRESS RELEASE - Ontario auto insurers are poised to make higher profits on the backs of Ontario’s disabled and injured MVA victims in 2016 while continuing to build up the provincial deficit by downloading the expense of victims to the taxpayers. Recently passed legislation means that coverage for the most injured MVA victims will be cut in half.

In October Ontario’s over 9 million drivers learned through the Lazar Prisman Report that they had been overcharged for auto insurance and likely overpaid by $1.5 billion in the last two years alone.

In recent weeks we learned just how challenging recovery is and how poorly the WSIB injured workers are treated in the Prescription Over-Ruled: Report on How Ontario’s Workplace Safety and Insurance Board Systematically Ignores the Advice of Medical Professionals.

How are these two stories related? Both systems are focused on their bottom line profits and their investments and not on recovery or the best interests of their clients. Both systems are based on medical evidence to support or deny claims; access to treatments and benefits relies on it. So what happens if those medical examinations aren’t reliable?

Ontario’s auto insurance companies have been delaying and denying their customer’s claims by way of poor quality or biased medical opinion reports in much the same way as is happening at the WSIB. Many of the same experts are employed under the two systems and those assessors who are auto insurers’ “preferred vendors” of these “independent” assessments are often beholden to the company that pays them. Similar to the WSIB assessment model where expectations are to be met or there are consequences.

Providing auto insurers’ with “favourable” medico-legal opinions by minimizing/trivializing legitimate injuries is unethical and it should be treated as a form of fraud. It is after all the mirror image of the type of fraud the FSCO, the Insurance Bureau of Canada and the WSIB say they won’t tolerate.

The insurers’ assessment is the only component of our broken Ontario auto insurance regime that has escaped regulatory scrutiny. It is the corrupted insurer medico-legal (IME/IE) assessment system that stands between injured claimants and their access to the Statutory Accident Benefits (SABs).

The current legislation allows auto insurers to deny policy benefits (including treatment, income replacement, attendant care, etc.) to seriously injured auto victims solely on the basis of the opinions of these second opinion insurer assessments commissioned to question the validity of the diagnosis and prognosis of attending physicians and treatment providers.

No matter how many attending physicians attest to the legitimacy of an injury ultimately the insurer assessor’s opinion (even if unqualified or biased) trumps those of the attending physicians’ in terms of the injured claimant’s eligibility for treatment and benefits.

The legislative changes and cuts to coverage will find many untreated and injured MVA victims dumped onto our OHIP and public supports systems. Insurers have been taking advantage of the taxpayer who ends up paying the costs of car crash survivors through Ontario Works (OW) and Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP). Insurers’ profits and WSIB books get balanced while victims end up impoverished and at the food bank.

Ontario’s injured and disabled individuals deserve better treatment at the hands of our government be they car crash survivors or WSIB claimants. They have the right to expect to have their medical conditions addressed through the recommendations of their treating physicians and providers who shouldn’t be second-guessed by “hired gun” insurer ‘experts’.

We ask that the Ontario Ombudsman look into the systemic abuse of Ontario’s victims and why the Financial Services Commission of Ontario and the Minister of Finance have failed to protect the interests and well-being of injured Ontarians with meaningful regulation and enforcement.

We ask the Auditor General to look into the reasons why the Minister of Finance (MOF) has not taken action on the Auditor General’s 2011 report recommendation that an update on the assessment of health system costs be done. These are the costs to the taxpayer through our medical systems that should be paid by Ontario’s insurers through a transfer of funds. Health care costs and the volume of MVA victims dependent on our social supports have increased substantially since the inception of No-Fault insurance. Yet the transfer of funds from Ontario's insurers to the province has not increased since 2006 before the majority of MVA victims have had their med/rehab claims capped at $3500.00 in 2010, down from $100,000.00 in previous years.

We would ask the Auditor General to go further and assess the cost of the public supports to unpaid MVA victims and WSIB claimants when they are downloaded to OW, ODSP and ultimately CPP Disability. Ontario’s insurers will slash benefits in half to $1 million for med/rehab/attendant care for the most catastrophically injured MVA victims in June of 2016. This will have far reaching costs to taxpayers who not only pay the highest auto insurance premiums in Canada but who are also going to have to pick up the majority of the costs of seriously injured MVA victims and provide additional services through OHIP.

Our auto insurance system is surely broken when insurers are so routinely using our courts as a tool to deny claims. According to StatCan there are over 61,000 auto insurance related cases waiting for hearings in Ontario civil court and over 19,000 more MVA victims at the Financial Services waiting for hearings. All of these delays and denials have a cost and insurers don’t seem to be the ones paying for it.

SOURCE FAIR Association of Victims for Accident Insurance Reform is a not-for-profit organization of MVA victims and their supporters. http://www.fairassociation.ca/

For further information: Media Contact: Rhona DesRoches, 705 543-0574, fairautoinsurance@gmail.com

FSCO: Chronic Pain Removes Applicant from Minor Injury Guideline

On July 7, 2015, the Financial Services Commission of Ontario (FSCO) released its decision in Arruda v Western Assurance (FSCO A13-003926, July 7, 2015), providing additional analysis of the MIG. In this decision, Arbitrator Shapiro found that despite having suffered soft-tissue injuries in the subject accident, Ms. Arruda’s subsequent chronic pain diagnosis took her out of the Minor Injury Guideline.......


Accident Benefit Coalition Victim Survey

Accident Benefit Coalition Victim Survey is for Accident Victims who were injured in Ontario Motor Vehicle Collisions (MVCs). The purpose is to collect information regarding victims’ experience in regards to obtaining Ontario Accident Benefits from insurers. Absolutely no personal information is collected or shared.

The Accident Benefit Coalition (ABC) consists of a membership of Ontarians concerned with issues surrounding the provinces’ mandatory Accident Benefits. It was founded by NeuroConnect and FAIR Association and is committed to advocating for Accident Victims in Ontario.

Please share this survey with others you know who have gone through the claims experience!


Dr. Fred Lazar and Dr. Eli Prisman have updated the 2013 report to include data for 2014. The update found that consumers likely overpaid by $1.5 billion in the last two years alone. This includes overpayments of $700 million (or about $100 for each insurance policy) in 2014 on top of the $840 million in 2013. In addition to overpaying for insurance, the report concluded that the total industrywide profits in 2014 alone were 10.6 per cent – or nearly twice the levels considered reasonable. To read more about auto insurance and to download a copy of the report, click the “Download The Report” icon on the right side of this page.....


Sudbury doctors lead WSIB charge

Spurred on by concerns raised by Sudbury doctors, the NDP on Thursday called for the province to investigate what it calls the Workplace Safety and Insurance Board's interference with the medical care of injured workers.......



Doctor suing WSIB and former employer over fraud claims

(Canadian OH&S News) — A Hamilton, Ont. doctor has filed a lawsuit against the Workplace Safety and Insurance Board (WSIB) and her former employer, Workplace Health & Cost Solutions (WHCS) in Vaughan, for wrongful dismissal from the latter — claiming that the former tried to force her to change her medical opinion about an injured worker, before pressuring the latter to fire her....


Whistleblower Report Exposes WSIB Interference in Medical Care:

Doctors Allege Injured Workers are Re-Victimized by the Compensation System
(TORONTO, ON) ─ The Ontario Federation of Labour (OFL) and the Ontario Network of Injured Workers’ Groups (ONIWG) today released a damning report exposing interference on the part of the Workplace Safety and Insurance Board (WSIB) in the medical care of injured workers.

Prescription Over-Ruled: Report on How Ontario’s Workplace Safety and Insurance Board Systematically Ignores the Advice of Medical Professionals 

WSIB ignoring medical advice: Report

A new report suggests Ontario’s workers’ compensation system is interfering with medical care for injured workers, sometimes going against doctor’s orders.

WSIB Relies on Expert Health Care Professionals to Support Injured Worker Recovery

TORONTO, Nov. 5, 2015 /CNW/ - The Ontario Federation of Labour (OFL) has announced that it will release a report alleging that the Workplace Safety and Insurance Board (WSIB) ignores opinions and recommendations from some health care providers. Unfortunately, the OFL report was not shared or discussed with the WSIB in advance, but we would be happy to review any files that they would like to bring to our attention.

Ontario psychologists claim WSIB unfairly denying patient claims

Source: Fair Association of Victims for Accident Insurance Reform



Common drugs may interfere with spinal or brain injury recovery

The use of certain common medications could delay the recovery of patients with a brain or spinal cord injury, says a research team at the University of East Anglia and other universities in the United Kingdom. The findings were published on August 9, 2015, in the journal Brain Injury...


People with back injuries treated with opioids off work longer: study

Disability claimants who are off work because of low back pain stay off longer if they're being treated with opioids, according to a new study out of McMaster University....

Painkillers linked to hundreds of deaths....



Ontario’s disabled call out Wynne’s hypocrisy during Parapan Am Games

As the 2015 Parapan Am Games get underway, Ontario’s Liberal government is quietly cutting insurance benefits to the province’s most disabled, while filling the pockets of insurance companies....


The deck is stacked against injured MVA victims if they choose litigation

Unlike other types of litigation in Ontario, personal injury actions arising from motor vehicle accidents are stacked against plaintiffs from the beginning....


Hard road for car crash victims

Why is the Ontario government taking away money they deserve and transferring it to the insurance industry?

How nice for the insurance industry. Take money from deserving accident victims and give it to insurance companies.
Instead of increasing the deductible the government ought to abolish it.
There’s no principled reason to apply a deductible....



Should pain-and-suffering deductibles be abolished?

In August, the Ontario government passed a regulation that increased the mandatory deductible for no-fault pain and suffering claims from $30,000 to $36,540, and one law expert feels that this was done “without any debate or meaningful notice.”.....


Sunday, December 13, 2015

Profits Soar for Ontario Auto Insurance Companies

The stated aim of the deductible is to eliminate “nuisance” cases from the system. But that is achieved by the threshold. The deductible is just another way to line the pockets of auto insurance companies. If the Ontario government sees the need to tie the deductible to inflation,why are no-fault accident benefits not tied to inflation?.......

Last week, an updated study from York University School of Business Professors Fred Lazar and Eli Prisman was released that reveals consumers likely overpaid $1.5 billion in the last two years for auto insurance. This includes overpayments of $700 million (or about $100 for each insurance policy) in 2014 on top of the $840 million ($120 per policy) in 2013.....


Wednesday, December 9, 2015

WANTED MEDICAL Professionals

Canadian Insurance News is conducting an investigation into the Minister of Employment and Social Development office in Chatham Ontario Canada.

Mostly we are looking for information that will lead to the procecution of the medical individules reposible for the backlog of appeals going to the Social Security tribunal of Canada.

Help us help disabled Canadians get what they paid for and make sure these pay-for-hire government doctors stop delaying, denying, and using wait for them to die tactics against legitimately disabled Canadians.

We can only fix the problems at the Social Development office in Chatham if we work together to expose these corrupt induviduals and set an example of just one of them.

Do you have a story that needs to be told? Contact us at canadianinsurancenews at g mail dot com.

Canadian Insurance News


Sunday, December 6, 2015

Ontario Taking Action to Protect Patient Privacy and Improve Transparency

Ontario intends to introduce legislation today that, if passed, would improve privacy, accountability and transparency in the health care system with new measures that put patients first.....


Fired Hamilton doctor sues WSIB over "fraud upon the public”

Dr. Brenda Steinnagel, 50, is alleging in her statement of claim that she was terminated last April after the WSIB repeatedly demanded that her employer, Vaughan-based Workplace Health and Cost Solutions, change the medical opinion she authored on a hospital worker who was claiming benefits after suffering head injuries while trying to restrain a patient.....


WSIB lawsuit: Fired hospital worker details struggles after losing his claim

An injured hospital worker who says his claim was denied by the Workplace Safety and Insurance Board — despite backup from a doctor who allegedly provided a medical opinion in his favour — is going public with how he struggled to earn a living after losing his job......


Preventable Medical Error Is Canadian Healthcare's Silent Killer

In Canada, medical errors and hospital-acquired infections claim between 30,000 and 60,000 lives annually. Thousands more are injured. Then there is the ocean of emotional harm that engulfs families when a loved one is lost to the kind of hospital mishap experts say is often preventable....


Medical marijuana seems to help chronic pain patients: Study

TORONTO -- A benchmark study has found that patients who use medical marijuana to treat chronic pain don't have more serious side-effects than sufferers who don't use the herb....


MDs legal insurer should be made accountable

the Canadian Medical Protective Association, which has $3.2 billion in funds heavily subsidized by the province through Ontario doctors, should be subject to regular audits by the Auditor General and be required to make public how much it pays out to injured patients and how much it is spending on legal costs to defend doctors..........


Stress load on family caregivers in Ontario doubles in four years

TORONTO -- A new report says the stress load on people helping to care for an elderly or sick family member or friend has more than doubled in Ontario in the past four years...


OTLA: Updated study shows Ontario auto insurance is "fundamentally broken"

TORONTO, Oct. 15, 2015 /CNW/ - An updated study released today provides alarming new data on auto insurance in Ontario.
The study, conducted by York University Schulich School of Business Professors Fred Lazar and Eli Prisman, reveals that consumers likely overpaid by $1.5 billion in the last two years alone. This includes overpayments of $700 million (or about $100 for each insurance policy) in 2014 on top of the $840 million ($120 per policy) in 2013......


Ontarians pay more than double in car insurance

The price of car insurance is always a hot topic in this province. It costs Ontarians more than double to drive here, than anywhere else in Canada. New figures released today show rates have fallen marginally, less than 1%… and now an independent report found the auto insurance industry is raking in large government guaranteed profits. As Kate Carnegie reports, the liberals admitted today they have more work to do to lower the rates for drivers....


OHIP subsidizes 81% of the CMPA fees

last year taxpayers paid almost $200 million to subsidize the legal defences of doctors sued civilly or involved in regulatory claims. This figure is projected to keep rising.

Some suggest that given this taxpayer funding there should be accountability and transparency on how the CMPA spends its money.


Accident Victim or MVA Professional? Help us Rate Auto Insurance Companies

Since auto insurance is mandatory in Ontario, information on how these companies rank should be made available. We have created two surveys to collect this information.....


Orillia woman involved in serious collision slams province’s planned changes to insurance industry

Tammy Kirkwood said the province’s plan to reduce auto-insurance benefits that was passed as part of the budget earlier this year will severely hurt crash victims requiring extensive care....


College of physicians and surgeons shares information with police about MDs' alleged criminal acts

For the first time, the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario has started forwarding decisions of its disciplinary committee to police when potential criminal acts by doctors ......



Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Social Security Tribunal OUT OF SERVICE Backlog

The rush to relieve the backlog of thousands is on at the Social Security Tribunal of Canada.

Minister Jason Kenny said the backlog of thousands would be gone by this summer.
The New Minister Pierre Poilievre Responsible for taking care of the backlog (that this blogger has contacted, but had no response from) has not gotten rid of the backlog of Appeals.

Someone called. We could not make it out. Someone called again, it was the Social Security Tribunal of Canada, her message said “if your matter has already been completed then you can disregard this call” “otherwise you can call us” and left an OUT OF SERVICE NUMBER 1-877-277-8577.

I emailed the Social Security Tribunal and was informed that I had been given the wrong number by them and it should have been 1-877-227-8577.

To make matters worse the email he replied back to me with quoted someone else s case number! Not mine!

Am I in the twilight zone?

I was a MVA victim in 2007 after a fatal 3 car crash. My application for CPP Disability Benefits was launched in 2008. I still have not received a complete copy of my file, and a lot of what they have sent me so far, is unreadable to any human. At least they didn't leave my medical-legal file on a bench in front of our house unattended this time.

The latest opinion from xxxx the Medical Adjudicator at Service Canada in August was that I have not established a Disability that is “Severe and Prolonged”.The (hired gun) Adjudicator out of the Chatham office goes on to say that I did not provide any medical documentation to support my Disability. 
They have however acknowledged receipt of my 105 page fax to them with the case file number GD37-1. The fax included the Ontario Superior Court of Justice Mediation Brief that included medical documentation to support a finding of a “severe disability”. 
My submitted Doctors findings should not be taken lightly as they come from respectable sources. 
One submission in the Brief is from a Doctor with a 25 year career in the hospital sector focusing on neurological disorders, schizophrenia, and pediatric brain injury and pediatric oncology including consultation to the hospital MS Clinic an acute psychotic disorders clinic. He has a long career in psychological research and scientific publication and presentation. He has published in the areas of chronic insomnia, neurohorrnoes in schizuphrenia, metabolic brain imaging in schizophrenia (positron emission tomography), and neuropsychology of schizophrenia. He carries out psychological asssessment and treatment, supervises clinicians, and carries out psycho legal and multidisiplinary-legal assessments and testifies at Arbitrations and Court. He was the Director of the Hamilton Medical-Legal Society and past President. He has been co-chairman of the Ontario Psychological Association Task Force on Auto Insurance. He was appointed by the Minister of Finance to the Accident Benefits Advisory Committee for Bill 164. He was appointed by the Minister of Finance to be a member of the Ministers Committee on the Designated Assessment Center System for Bill 59 and held the position for a year. He was appointed to the Expert Panel reviewing the Catastrophic Impairment SABS. He was a founding member of the Canadian Academy of Psychologists in Disability Assessment (CAPDA). He received the Karl Heiser Presidential Award from the American Psychological Association and the Ontario Psychological Association Award for his advocacy efforts on behalf of professional psychology. He received the OPA Lifetime Achievment Award. 
Other medical-legal documentation provided to the Social Security Tribunal was from a doctor whos is a registered psychologist with areas of competence in rehabilitation and clinical psychology. He is a partner at a psychology clinic and assessment centre. His doctoral degree is in Clinical Psychology, with a minor in Health Psychology. He has a post graduate diploma program (DESS) through the University of Montreal Faculty of Medicine in Insurance Medicine and Medicolegal Expertise. He has a Master of Science in Community Counselling with specialized training in vocational assessment and counselling. His doctoral training included assessment, diagnosis and treatment of severe mental and behaviour disorders in private and public psychiatric inpatient hospital settings, as well as sheltered workshops. He has also performed disability assessments for patients with severe mental disorders applying for Social Security Disability. As a clinical psychologist, he worked in several chronic care facilities, assessing, diagnosing and treating patients with severe psychological disorders, including psychotic and severe mood disorders. Upon immigrating to Canada he has re specialized in rehabilitation psychology. He since has performed hundreds of psychological disability assessments in relation to M.V.A, WSIB, and other personal injury contexts. He was on the FSCO roster for Post 104 and Catastrophic disability assessors, and has performed hundreds of Catastrophic, Post-I 04 disability and psycho-vocational assessments. He has published scholarly works with respect to catastrophic impairment, and created educational modules addressing catastrophic impairment evaluation for psychological disability assessors. disability and psycho-vocational assessments. He delivered the 2010 Keynote Address to the British Psychological Societys Division of Counselling Psychology on the intersection of psychological assessment and the law. He has also edited two books on the application of humanistic theory to psychological treatment and has also published book chapters and articles in this area. He was the President of the Canadian Academy of Psychologists in Disability Assessment (CAPDA). He has been accepted as an expert witness in Ontario courts. GD37-52

Their medical documentation in the Brief supports a finding of a “chronic pain” , “severe disability” , “severe depression” , “PTSD” , “suffers permanent and serious impairment” , I am “neither exaggerating nor feigning” , “tends to minimize his complaints” , “suffers a complete inability to engage in any employment for which he is reasonably suited by education, training or experience”, “is at a competitive disadvantage in the workforce”. GD37-33 / GD37-34 / GD37-35 / GD37-37 /GD37-38

Also included was a Chronic Pain Assessment from yet another doctor that states: “his neck disability” , “suffered a significant functional, financial and emotional loss” , “suffers from Degenerative Disc Disease in his Cervical Spine, as well as debilitating Myofascial pain syndromes in his cervical spine.” , “severe disability”, and “complete disability” , “WADS III of the neck”. GD37 – 105 / GD37-23 / GD37-25 / GD37-105.

Also included in the Brief was yet another doctor report that states: “completely disabled from any occupation to which he is suited by way of his education, training or experience.” GD37-43

Another Doctors report included in the Brief states: Overall, I am “not employable”. GD37-32.

Rather that go long winded in this post I submit that I have provided enough medical documentation to establish my disability just from the above doctors. You have the other reports and blog postings I will not duplicate them here.

Today I finally received a date for my Appeal Hearing. The date on the notice was 39 days ago. The notice says that my hearing is not going to be until 2016, next year!

In this effort to get rid of the backlog of thousands how many are getting run over. What happened to the pledge to wipe out the backlog by this past summer? How many Appellants are still backlogged at the Social Security Tribunal of Canada?
If my Medical-legal experts are good enough for the Ontario Superior Court, a mediator, numerous doctors and lawyers, and 4 insurance companies they should be good enough for Service Canada and the Social Security Tribunal. I hope that the Tribunal Member that decides my appeal takes into account my medical-legal evidence submitted here in from real Medical experts, that write the rules, and not Service Canada employees with an agenda.

name removed
CPP Disability Applicant since 2008,
MVA-Insurance-Victim since 2007.

Thank you to all those who help me with my writing and blogging and to those who follow my blog. Unfortunately I have been diagnosed with astigmatism and cataracts in my eyes recently. Advocating for MVA victims will have to be less frequent. Seeing (reading and writing) has now been added to my list of Medical problems.

Cc: undisclosed

Saturday, August 1, 2015

Social Security Tribunal appeal stacked against claimant

Monday, July 27, 2015
Social Security Tribunal appeal stacked against claimant

Via Facsimile 1-855-814-4117 Social Security Tribunal of Canada

Dear Social Security Tribunal:

I acknowledge receipt of a letter by xxx -IS Operations Manager, General Division Dated July 16, 2015 informing me that your are now “ready to proceed” with my Appeal.

I do not understand how you can be ready to proceed without fulfilling your obligation to provide me a copy of my previously requested file.

Until I am able to receive a complete copy of my file I am unable to proceed in defending myself and presenting the facts.

As you know my file represents the how, when, and why I have an appeal with you, and is the record of events for any future actions against the Social Security Tribunal in the event of the continuation of these unjust denials. Its all relevant. I wish to discuss with the Member assigned my file all relevant information regarding my file and my Appeal. So again, I kindly ask for an updated copy of my file.

Even if I am unsuccessful in my Appeal I still require everything that I sent to the Tribunal to be part of the record as it confirms and demonstrates the facts of my long journey through this preconceived nightmare designed to deny, humiliate and thoroughly frustrate legitimate victims that have already been threw enough interrogations from their insurance companies hired guns and wordhirelings. All orchestrated by the IBC and bad politicians that pray on the week, sick, and injured, for profit.

Doctors that don't stand up for legitimately injured patients are most to blame in this charade of politics and money makers. My 7 year Appeal process is just another example of an upside down world where the money doesn’t go to where its suppose to. Bad Doctors that don't properly investigate are at the core of the backlog problems at F.S.C.O, our courts, and the Social Security Tribunal of Canada.

As Service Canada has used my blogging (about them) as an excuse not to pay my disability benefits attached you will find my latest blog entry advocating for the thousands of people waiting at your Tribunal because of bad decisions by disgraceful, dishonourable and unprofessional Service Canada employees.

As you know my faxes to you and my blog still asks for the Chairperson of the Social Security Tribunal xxx to answers numerous, unanswered, questions.
I have no acknowledgement that the Chair is getting my correspondences. Is she receiving anything? Should I resend?

Also, will I be permitted to audio/video record my appeal hearing?

Finally, attached you will find my completed “Hearing Information Form”. You will notice that I have not answered the witness question at this time. What are the rules for witnesses?
I submit that anyone that has correspondences, investigations, or relevant knowledge of this appeal makes them a witness to this Appeal. Furthermore, is there a limit to the number of witnesses?

With my injuries, no consumer protection, no consultation or mind reading skills I continue to have difficult understanding why this process is designed so difficult for a legitimately injured person. You should all be ashamed.

Looking forward to hearing from you as soon as possible in this regard.

Thanks to all those who help me write my letters and blog postings since 2007.

Cc: undisclosed

Source: http://survivingacollision.blogspot.ca/2015/07/social-security-tribunal-appeal-stacked.html

Sunday, July 12, 2015

CPP Disability take a number now serving appeal 200,000

What are the number of appeals backlogged at the Social Security Tribunal?

The following comment was made by Fair Association of Victims for Accident Insurance Reform on the Toronto Sun site back in November of last year.

In February of this year Minister Jason Kenney pledged to wipe out the Social Security Tribunal backlog of 11,000 by this summer.

The backlog was also discussed later in the house by Mr. Robert Aubin (NDP).
He said: "Mr. Speaker, on Tuesday the chair of the Social Security Tribunal confirmed that there are significant delays in the processing of cases: 14,677 cases are languishing on her desk."

So what are the numbers now?

More importantly, how would you get rid of such a backlog of appeals...fairly?

The Tribunal Chair refuses to acknowledge or respond to my letters as an appeal applicant, or as an advocate for these disabled Canadians that have been waiting for years at the tribunal backlog.

Knowing that these disabled Canadians can't respond our government has reaped the $$$ in withholding these benefits. Appeals in the take-a-number-lineup because of bad decisions by Service Canada and their policy of delay, deny, wait for them to die.

In my case these benefits that my employers and I have paid into mandatorily since 1979.



And what of my appeal that was launched back in 2008?

Will it be fairly heard after my blogging about the Social Security Tribunal and advocating for the unknown thousands of Appellants?

What do I have to do to be heard and what will It take to at least acknowledge my correspondences by the Social Security Chair Ms. Brazeau.

Mr. xxxx xxx
Surviving a Collision:   http://survivingacollision.blogspot.ca/
Crash Survivor 2007.

Social Security Tribunal says more than 14,600 Canadians are now waiting for a hearing:

Sunday, June 14, 2015

Car insurers and lawyers brawl in public

Two sides point to each other as reason for high insurance premiums. The truth is, they’re both responsible

By , Toronto Sun
First posted: | Updated: First posted: | Updated:

auto insurance cuts
Hundreds protest the Ontario government’s proposed auto insurance cuts outside Queen's Park in Toronto on June 3, 2015. (Dave Abel/Toronto Sun)
A slugging match recently erupted between car insurance companies and Ontario personal injury lawyers.

The Insurance Bureau of Canada (IBC) opened by claiming the public needs regulatory oversight of contingency fees charged by personal injury lawyers.

The IBC feels a change is necessary to protect consumers and allow the government to evaluate the impact of lawyers’ fees on the auto insurance system.

The Ontario Trial Lawyers Association (OTLA) countered by releasing a study it commissioned concerning auto insurance premiums.

According to the study, prepared by two professors at York University’s Schulich School of Business, “consumers in Ontario may have overpaid for auto insurance by between $3 and $4 billion over the period 2001 to 2013.”
The OTLA urged an independent “thorough and truly transparent” review of auto insurance by Ontario’s Auditor General.

Reacting quickly, the IBC fired back through a press release, pointing the finger back at personal injury lawyers claiming, “lawyers’ fees are simply too high and have a significant impact on the cost of auto insurance.”

The IBC supported its conclusion by claiming some lawyers charge 40%, while others between 25% and 33% of any settlement or judgment.

I doubt many lawyers would dare charge a 40% contingency fee, although even a 25% to 33% fee may be too high in some cases.

But, the IBC forgot to mention clients don’t pay the entire contingency fee as a good part of the fee is paid by the insurance company.

To rub it in further, the IBC stated, “In 2013, lawyers received an estimated $500 million from injury claimants out of their insurance settlements for bodily injury claims. These are real dollars that never make it to the claimant. IBC will continue to fight for increased transparency so that consumers can actually see where their insurance dollars go.”

But I don’t think insurers want to open the transparency can of worms.
If they want to talk about “real dollars” that don’t make it to claimants, check out the vast sums paid by insurers for their so-called independent medical examinations (IMEs), used to belittle or deny claims.

According to the most recent Ontario Health Claims Database, insurance companies paid approximately $372 million for IMEs for accidents taking place in the last four years.

In some years, insurance companies forced almost half of all claimants to attend IMEs and in each year the average amount paid per assessed claimant for these exams exceeded the average amount paid per claimant for all medical and rehabilitation expenses.

Sending claimants for multiple and expensive assessments to pro-insurer experts is a major contributor to insurers’ costs and takes “real dollars” out of the pockets of claimants.

That’s not to say lawyers are free of blame.

There’s a long history of lawyers neglecting to act diligently to expose insurer experts who file partisan reports, sometimes outside their sphere of expertise, used by insurers to delay and deny claims.

As well, quality control at some law firms is substandard.

The FAIR Association of Victims for Accident Insurance Reform has recently posted an announcement stating, “ALERT – we are hearing about more and more cases where time limitations for filing have lapsed due to plaintiff’s legal representatives failing to meet limitation period deadlines.”
Then again, motor vehicle litigation and accident benefits claims are highly complex and insurance company tactics often lead to increased fees.

And if the insurance industry wants to point fingers at personal injury lawyers, perhaps they ought to make complete disclosure of the money they spend on defence lawyers and adjusters to deny, delay and defend claims.

Furthermore, how much do insurers pay to fund their massive public relations campaigns -- including political contributions to those in power -- which they effectively use to portray accident victims as opportunistic, malingering or just plain fraudulent?

It seems there is a lot of mud that can be thrown at each side in this messy debate.

But while the debate drags on, insurers continue to exact high premiums and lawyers receive handsome payments for their work.
And accident victims? They’re stuck in the middle.

Source: http://www.torontosun.com/2015/06/13/car-insurers-and-lawyers-brawl-in-public

Wondering what Insurance Company CEOs make in a year?

It's a heck of a lot more than the $400/wk accident victims are expected to live on!

56 year old Executive Profile Donald A. Guloien- Chief Executive Officer, President and Director, ManulifeFinancial Corporation

 C$14,484,208 As of Fiscal Year 2014


Name Position/
Thomas J. Wilson II Chairman of The Board, Chief Executive Officer, Chairman of Allstate Insurance Company, Chief Executive Officer of Allstate Insurance Company, Director of Allstate Insurance Company and Chairman of Executive Committee
The Allstate Corporation
Jay S. Fishman Chairman, Chief Executive Officer, Chairman of Executive Committee and Member of Operating Committee
The Travelers Companies, Inc.
Paul A. Mahon Chief Executive Officer, President, Director and Member of Executive Committee
Great-West Lifeco Inc.
Mark Andrew Wilson Group Chief Executive Officer and Executive Director
Aviva plc
2.3M GBP
John Robert Strangfeld Jr. Chairman, Chief Executive Officer and President
Prudential Financial, Inc.
Compensation as of Fiscal Year 2014.
Source/ more: http://www.bloomberg.com/Research/stocks/people/person.asp?personId=510859&ticker=MFC:CN&previousCapId=319616&previousTitle=The%20DeWolfe%20Companies%2C%20Inc.

FAIR comment on FSCO Draft Statement of Priorities 2015

Why is it that there is so little mention of the priorities/concerns of the injured victims the system purports to serve?

If it is truly the mandate of the FSCO and the “measurement of providing regulatory services that protect the public interest and enhance public confidence in the regulated sectors” then shouldn’t the quality of the coverage and access to that coverage be of utmost importance?

If people had confidence in the quality of the coverage and access to benefits as promised, would over 20,000 people be signing a petition?

When hundreds of people rally at Queen’s Park to protest the cuts to benefits to the most catastrophically injured of Ontario’s auto accident victims; is that not a clear signal that consumers (in this case people who have used the product) have lost confidence in our coverage?

Read more at: FAIR submission to FSCO Statement of Priorities 2015

Car crash victims deserve better deal

First posted: | Updated:
Kathleen Wynne
Ontario Premier Kathleen Wynne. (QMI files)
Ontario’s car insurance system seems to work well except for consumers who need it and accident victims who make legitimate claims under it.

After all, the insurance industry is making good money.

Lawyers are amply rewarded acting for plaintiffs and insurance firms.

Doctors earn significant sums preparing insurer-requested medical reports.

Treatment providers receive good compensation for treating the injured.

Premier Kathleen Wynne received generous financial support from the car insurance industry when she ran for the Liberal leadership.

The Liberal party receives significant campaign donations from it.

But here’s the problem. Two problems, actually.

The first is fraud by people trying to rip off insurance companies with phony claims. We agree it happens and it’s a serious problem.

But what we don’t understand is why the amount of fraud -- to hear it from the insurance companies -- never, ever, seems to decrease.

Fraud, we’re told, is the main reason auto insurance premiums in Ontario remain stubbornly high, no matter how many times the government cuts back benefits to all accident victims at the behest of the insurance industry, as it did again in its latest budget passed last week.

We also think there’s another kind of fraud in the insurance industry that needs to be addressed by government.

That fraud happens when people who have faithfully paid their auto insurance premiums year after year are hurt in serious accidents and, when they make legitimate claims for the benefits promised in their policies, are denied them.

It happens when car insurers fight against paying genuine claims from accident victims, falsely making them out to be the enemy and going to absurd lengths in and out of court to deny them the benefits to which they are entitled.

Last week, hundreds of demonstrators at Queen’s Park protested this kind of fraud as the Liberals passed yet another piece of legislation favoured by the insurance industry that will cut in half benefits for people who sustain catastrophic, life-changing injuries in car accidents.

Prior to the passage of the budget, Finance Minister Charles Sousa boasted, “Ontario is the most generous in Canada when it comes to providing coverage for auto insurance.”

Last week, Sun legal affairs analyst Alan Shanoff, demonstrated conclusively in his column how this statement was inaccurate.

In fact, Ontario doesn’t provide the most generous benefits for either catastrophic injuries or for so-called “minor” ones, which can include dislocation of joints, partial tears of tendons and ligaments and whiplash not exhibiting neurological symptoms.

As the FAIR Association of Victims for Accident Insurance Reform put it: “The budget does nothing to ensure that insurer claims management practices are fair and there has been no action (to deal with) ... the biased and corrupt insurer medical examination reports that are disqualifying innocent and legitimate accident victims.”

We agree. It’s time to end this type of insurance fraud, as well.

Source: http://www.torontosun.com/2015/06/06/car-crash-victims-deserve-better-deal

Update: rally against insurers deemed “a great success”

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  • Brian on 2015-06-07 9:58:11 AM
    When will the dubious "preferred vendors" of the Ontario auto insurers' "proof" of massive opportunistic fraud be put under scrutiny? Systemic, bogus accusations of malingering churned out by pro-insurer medico-legal
    'experts' are first used (on a case by case basis) to deny benefits and then, in turn, trotted out by the Liberals as proof, on a policy level, that quad/paraplegics and brain inured accident victims are being treated "over-generously" and getting money "that needs to go to the people who really need it". We need to look at the long trail of sketchy "medical authorities" that Ontario governments have used to attack the credibility of the injured and the honesty of all Ontario motorists - a trail reaching all the way back to Dr. James N. Sears (aka Dimitri the Lover) - the insurer's "medical authority"
    behind the Harris "Rate Stability Act". And here we are: deja vue all over again!!!
  • Brian on 2015-06-07 10:28:09 AM
    In terms of cause - one can draw a straight line between these latest cuts to the catastrophically injured back to the Liberal/IBC cherry-picked Panel of Experts on Catastrophic Injury which concluded that what counts as "catastrophic" injury is too generous and that the criteria needs to be made tougher for the most seriously injured to "thread" the catastrophic injury definition "needle". The Liberals have decided to double-down on that insurer-friendly report and use at not just to come up with a more narrow definition of catastrophic injury - but also to justify cutting in half the treatment and attendant care benefits of the handful of injured claimants who will ever be able meet the upcoming stricter/tougher/revised catastrophic injury definition. All this thanks to a Panel of "preferred" insurer IME vendors and a couple of epidemiologists who never have and never will meet (much less treat) a catastrophically injured auto accident victim.
  • Rick on 2015-06-07 7:31:56 PM
    So coverage will be cut in half. I guess there's a refund on its way to everyone. Fat chance of that ever happening. Good on this group of concerned citizens for getting out there and making some noise about the evaporating coverage Ontario has. They've forgotten that they are selling, we are buying so we expect something for all those $billions we pay for coverage besides converting our policy dollars to Liberal campaign contributions.
  • Brian on 2015-06-07 11:38:10 PM
    Ironically, the editorial position in today's Sunday Sun has some choice words to say about the Ontario auto insurers' "shady practices":

    Prior to the passage of the budget, Finance Minister Charles Sousa boasted, “Ontario is the most generous in Canada when it comes to providing coverage for auto insurance.”

    Last week, Sun legal affairs analyst Alan Shanoff, demonstrated conclusively in his column how this statement was inaccurate.

    In fact, Ontario doesn’t provide the most generous benefits for either catastrophic injuries or for so-called “minor” ones, which can include dislocation of joints, partial tears of tendons and ligaments and whiplash not exhibiting neurological symptoms.

    As the FAIR Association of Victims for Accident Insurance Reform put it: “The budget does nothing to ensure that insurer claims management practices are fair and there has been no action (to deal with) ... the biased and corrupt insurer medical examination reports that are disqualifying innocent and legitimate accident victims.”

    We agree. It’s time to end this type of insurance fraud, as well.

  • Brian on 2015-06-08 1:34:55 PM
    The insurers say they won’t tolerate auto insurance fraud. Nor should they. So was this National Claims Manager (below) prosecuted – or not? If not – why the double standard? Is insider fraud tolerable?


    A Toronto lawyer has had his licence revoked for his part in a $1.5-million insurance fraud.

    Pradeep Bridglal Pachai admitted to taking part in a scheme that saw a senior employee at an insurance company client authorize higher payments to settle litigation than was needed and the two men pocketing the difference.

    Pachai claimed he was pressured into the scheme by Vinti Sansanwal, national claims director at HB Group Insurance Management Ltd., fearing he would cut him off from legal work defending the company, which had become his largest client.

    Initially, Pachai said he thought the arrangement was for one time only, but between 2005 and 2007, the scam snowballed, netting the pair $1.5 million from 11 files with the lawyer keeping $675,000 of the spoils for his role.

    The scheme came crashing down after an anonymous tip led to an investigation and Sansanwal’s dismissal. The insurance company then launched a civil action to recover the funds that named Pachai as a defendant. After he made restitution, the claim against him was dismissed.

    Close family and four lawyer colleagues acted as character witnesses for Pachai during the hearing. They labelled his actions as being out of character.

    In the meantime, Pachai asked the Law Society of Upper Canada to impose a lengthy ban, but the panel disagreed, noting the mitigating circumstances weren’t sufficient “to justify a second chance.”

    “There is no satisfactory explanation for his misconduct; it was a self-interested, economic choice which was not forced upon him, even if it was devised and initiated by Mr. Sansanwal.

    Nor was it unavoidable, in the sense that it was out of character because it was caused by a disability, addiction or any similar factor,” wrote Bencher Raj Anand on behalf of the three-person panel.

    The panel awarded no costs, noting Pachai had co-operated fully and wouldn’t be able to pay since having voluntarily ceased practice in 2008.
  • Claire Laforest on 2015-06-08 5:18:59 PM
    The proposed reductions in auto insurance coverage are outrageous!! Unless you have walked a day with Sara and the family during the last 19 months, you have no idea what catastrophic injuries stemming from a brain injury caused by the MVA can do to someone emotionally, physically and financially. You may think that the proposed $500,000 for each of nursing care and medical/rehab therapy over a lifetime is a lot of money but it's not! We have so far spent close to $150,000 to $200,000 on Sary Buckley's injuries with nursing care and rehab and were not even at the 2 year anniversary yet. Home health care agencies charge between $25-$55/hr for PSW and RPN care while the current insurance coverage allows for $15/hr for 400 hours/mth or 150 hours/mth at the industry rate. Therapists charge between $100 and $150/hr plus mileage and report writing. Sara requires a physiotherapist 3X/week, a speech therapist once to twice a week, a rehab therapist every day and an occupational therapist every week. You think that's a lot? Well, it's not when someone like Sara requires 24/7 care; she cannot walk, talk, feed, bathe or dress herself nor maintain continence. All this at 18!! And then add to that the expenses related to the drugs and tube feed not covered by extended health private insurance and the cost of accommodating the accessibility to her home. The proposed changes will reduce the current $2M in total allowance by half. And this total $2M is not even what a survivor receives upon settlement because of lawyer fees. These changes must be protested. Proposed changes are going to be devastating. On behalf of all future MVA victims, the proposed changes have to be stopped. Please sign petitions!! Please participate in protests!! Contact your MPPs!! And the Ontario Government should be ashamed of what they are putting forward, in effect Sept. 2015!!
  • Griswald G on 2015-06-08 9:30:24 PM
    The public has no concept of what rehabilitation and recovery can cost. Very few of us could afford what we might need if we were brain-injured or catastrophically impaired. The sense of urgency in Claire's posting is what most people feel when faced with coping with injured loved ones. Our government has failed us on many fronts when it comes to auto insurance and has allowed the IBC to misinform us of the coverage we have with their constant propaganda that everything is fine here, nothing to see, move along, we just need a few more dollars to keep us going and hey look - we can just get it from the victims - especially the worst off ones because they are least likely to be able to complain about it. Maybe there is something to see, and it all played out at the Rally last week when severely injured people showed up to help others they don't even know. And that's a darned sight more than our insurance companies do when we get injured in a crash. What do we get - shipped off to some assessment mill and a denial letter in the mail. Time to consider other possibilities like public auto insurance in Ontario.
  • Brian on 2015-06-08 11:06:52 PM
    Who to believe? That is the question. We can believe the picture being painted by the IBC lobbyists. They would have us believe the insurers money is spent on people who only pretend to be catastrophically injured - and who - even if they are catastrophically injured - are getting to much treatment and too much attendant care. Twice as much in fact. Or, we can listen to the decisions of triers of fact (the judges and arbitrators) who scrutinize the way in which the insurers too often "treat" their most vulnerable claimants. You be the judge. Here (excerpts below) is a case. Who would you trust - the IBC's version of the story or this Arbitrator's decision. The Ontario auto insurance litigation landscape is littered with cases like this one chronicling all manner of insurer abuses. This case manager ought to be ashamed for her implausible (falsified?) reports submitted time and again and used to justify denial of care. Isn't falsifying reports in this way a crime? If not - it ought to be.
    Michalski and Wawanesa [+] Arbitration, 2005-12-13, Reg 403/96.
    Final Decision

    Each of the case manager's subsequent reports to Wawanesa, in March, April, May, June and July, 2002 state in the body of the report that Dr. Dobrowolski continues to report further improvement. I find each of those comments at significant odds with the contents of Dr. Dobrowolski's notes, records, reports to third parties, and an implausible summary of his opinion....

    ...I do not know why Wawanesa preferred the opinions of the occupational therapists and the case manager, flawed and deficient as they were, to the opinions of its own psychiatrist and psychologist, whose greater expertise in assessing Mrs. Michalski's cognitive function Wawanesa sought. I find Wawanesa failed to act with sound and moderate judgment in reassessing evidence from its own assessors. I find Wawanesa's actions and defaults overlap and compound each other.

    ...I believe the sanction should reflect that Wawanesa failed to meet its contractual obligations, and is entirely to blame for the manner in which this claim unfolded. I agree with the submission of counsel for the Applicant that it is difficult to find a more vulnerable Applicant than Mrs. Michalski, who, as a result of her injuries, functions like a two year old, was unrepresented by counsel and whose primary language was not English. She could not be safely left alone. Wawanesa repeatedly put her at risk. Fortunately, her husband and children provided her with care. I believe the award should also reflect that Wawanesa took advantage of Mrs. Michalski's children, and should encompass the need to deter Wawanesa and other insurers from engaging in similar conduct. Nothing indicates that Wawanesa is likely to be subjected to any additional penalty as a result of its misconduct. I agree with the view that interest is remedial C not a penalty.
  • R DeKramer on 2015-06-09 7:09:40 PM
    Here's what a well-known insurer medical assessment doctor told his college when called to task for his poor quality medical report:
    There are three types of patients:
    1.Patients with nothing wrong with them who are “pulling the wool over everyone’s eyes”
    2. Patients with no problem who think they have a problem. These patients actually believe that there is something wrong with them, even though there is not.
    3. Patients with minor problem who have exaggerated this problem into something much bigger than it is.

    Do mva victims even have a chance? Not if there's no room to even consider an injury. A blindness caused by the insurers handpicking and handsomely paying their medical experts so they deny injuries even exist. This is the system and what victims face every day.