Sunday, January 8, 2017

Hired gun in a lab coat: How medical experts help car insurers fight accident claims

.... years after being rear-ended in a car accident, Liese Bruff-McArthur saw a small army of medical professionals. Most agreed the crash had left her with chronic pain, depression, PTSD and other troubles, making a return to work untenable.

Then she met Dr. Monte Bail.

Hired by the insurance company she was suing, the psychiatrist spent an hour and a quarter with the Ottawa-area woman — the kind of work that earned Bail as much as $77,000 a month — and concluded Bruff-McArthur was essentially faking it..........

And such cases are likely just the tip of the iceberg, say lawyers representing accident victims, the plaintiffs. Judicial criticisms arise only in the five per cent or so of cases that get to trial, they note, so most instances of bias stay under wraps as lawsuits are settled out of court.

“It’s clear from the (reported) cases that it is far too prevalent,” says Adam Wagman, a plaintiff lawyer and president of the Ontario Trial Lawyers Association. “That attacks the very foundation of our system of justice.”.....
