Thursday, March 27, 2014

MUSH - what does that include? Will it help those who are disabled in car accidents who are mistreated?

Fair Association of Victims for Accident Insurance Reform
579A Lakeshore Rd. E, P.O. Box 39522
Mississauga, ON, L5G 4S6

Hi Ms. Bursey
My name is Rhona DesRoches and I am the Board Chair of FAIR Association of Victims for Accident Insurance Reform. Today I read on your website that the the Ombudsman is looking to expand the areas in which it can investigate and make recommendations.

Will these new powers allow investigation into the plight of Ontario's vulnerable accident victims when it comes to the Ministry of Finance and the Financial Services Commission - both of whom are discriminating against Ontario's disabled?

Will there be powers to change the Colleges, in particular, the CPSO who are hiding complaints about the third party assessors who abuse accident victims? Is there a way that we can undo the policy at the colleges that disabled MVA victims are considered 'clients' rather than patients so that they have the same rights as any other patient or disabled person?

Will there be a way to get the Health Professions Appeal and Review Board to make the Colleges accountable rather than dismissing appeals (by often cognitively impaired and seriously injured accident victims) with a standard response of the complaint is 'frivolous and vexatious'? HPARB has taken on a practice of assisting those medical professionals who cause harm by making their names anonymous (when they do take action) and thereby keeping information from the public about the for-hire assessors that are causing so much harm to the disabled.

Is there a way to stop the use of these often bogus and partisan 'independent' medico-legal reports from being used as 'facts' when those who are unable to get their benefits from their insurer (because of these shoddy reports) make an application for ODSP or CPP? Our members are subjected to dozens of these examinations in the course of a claim and only a few are properly prepared by qualified and independent, respectable physicians/assessors - there are absolutely no standards in play here when the colleges refuse to take action in a public way that would protect Ontarians. Can we fix that and make the process fair?

Will it be possible to do away with the use of highly partisan and biased 'expert' consultants on panels that make the recommendations to the Superintendent of Insurance that later gets passed into more unfair legislation that discriminates against accident victims?

Auto accident victims are treated as if they are third class citizens in Ontario - no doubt about that - is there a way that Ontario's Ombudsman can correct that? We are treated with disrespect, maligned by physicians and assessors, scammed at every turn, and punished for having the temerity to use a product our government has forced us to buy.

Are these new powers going to be a tool to help these vulnerable individuals? For more information on how badly an accident victims is treated during the course of a claim please visit our website pages: and

For more information about what we do please visit:

We certainly hope that the Ombudsman's office will take an interest and we look forward to hearing back from you on these issues.

Rhona DesRoches
FAIR, Board Chair

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