Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Docs dispute transparency

Insurer argues that only ‘proven and credible findings’ relevant to ‘patient safety’ be disclosed

There’s a battle brewing at the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario.

It’s being fought over the principle of transparency, how much information about its member physicians ought to be made public.

The CPSO acknowledges that in exchange for being allowed to self-regulate it “must act first and foremost in the interest of the public.” That requires more transparency, more disclosure. But there are forces at play that oppose this.

Insufficient disclosure can lead to devastating ramifications, as demonstrated by the Charles Smith fiasco.

The many wrongful convictions caused by Smith’s incompetent expert evidence as a forensic pathologist are well known.

Not as well known is the fact complaints concerning Smith’s conduct in three prosecutions were filed with the CPSO, all of which were dismissed.

Whether they were sufficiently investigated isn’t the point. The point is the complaints and allegations contained in them were kept secret. They weren’t disclosed by the CPSO, nor made part of any public record.

So it’s good to see the College conducting a transparency project and considering the adoption of new transparency principles. But as with most things, the devil is in the details and the details here are not promising.

The problem with the proposed transparency principles is they seem to provide a balance between disclosure and the privacy interests of physicians.

That, as the Ontario Trial Lawyers Association has stated, is a distortion of the principles upon which physicians have been given the power of self-regulation.

Concerns for the protection of privacy of physicians in this context are misguided and conflict with the mandate of acting “first and foremost in the interest of the public.” The Canadian Medical Protective Association, the body that acts as an insurer for most Canadian physicians, is pushing back against more disclosure.

It believes that in deciding what information ought to be made public “a primary consideration must be the potential negative implications on the physician’s professional reputation.”

The CMPA is “particularly concerned about the public disclosure by the College of inaccurate and unproven allegations often contained in complaints received by the College.”

It argues only “proven and credible findings” that are “relevant to patient safety” ought to be disclosed. It doesn’t want disclosure of College remedial action, allegations in civil lawsuits, or information concerning single incidents that have “occurred during a difficult period in the physician’s life and which is not typical of his/her usual conduct.”

Finally, the CMPA wants to “reasonably limit” information concerning a physician’s health.

If we were to listen to the CMPA we may as well close down the CPSO transparency project. There’d be little or no additional disclosure.

The FAIR Association of Victims for Accident Insurance Reform views the proposed transparency principles as providing “no meaningful movement to increase transparency”.

It sees the proposed principles as providing a “safe harbour for those who have caused harm to Ontario’s patients.” It views the issue from the perspective of accident victims who are victimized by what it labels “shoddy” insurers’ independent medical exams.

CPSO complaints filed by accident victims are kept secret as are cautions issued against the examiners.

Remedial action ordered to be undertaken by these physicians is also kept secret and the transparency principles would not see any changes made to this practice.

The CPSO must stop treating the public as children who are incapable of understanding the difference between a complaint and a formal finding of malpractice, or the difference between mere allegations and allegations that have been proven or accepted as fact.

Everyone understands mistakes are an unavoidable part of life and are often prepared to forgive physicians when genuine mistakes occur.

But if the protection of the public and the interests of the public are to be put first, we must have real transparency, which means full disclosure of complaints, cautions, and remedial action, even in the case of single incidents.

If the College won’t provide more disclosure, private citizens will take matters into their own hands and information will flow through unregulated Internet sites.

Source: Alan Shanoff   ,Toronto Sun First posted: Saturday, November 30, 2013 06:35 PM EST

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