Friday, May 29, 2015

Advocacy groups to hold rally protesting “very shady” industry practices

by Jill Gregorie | 29 May 2015

In response to last week’s advancement of Bill 91, Building Ontario Up Act, two advocacy groups are organizing a public protest to be held on June 3rd at Queen’s Park, Toronto called #Rally4AccidentVictims.

FAIR Association of Victims for Accident Insurance Reform and the Accident Benefit Coalition are not just protesting provincial government, however.

The groups feel that insurance companies also unfairly benefit from the legislation, and allege that provincial government’s proposals to reduce coverage for the catastrophically injured is uncalled for, given the industry’s profit margins.

“It is unacceptable to be giving away money to wealthy insurance companies who are already using some very shady business practices to deny a record number of claims,” reads a release from FAIR.

Among these practices, FAIR contends, are insurance companies employing "for-hire physicians who provide insurers with the medical reports used to decide whether or not an injured claimant is entitled to treatment and benefits.”

In addition, the non-profit association alleges that this arrangement allows insurance companies to place severely injured victims in numerous social services programs, forcing taxpayers to cover their expenses instead of insurance payouts.

“Our government is giving insurers a financial gift by allowing insurers to pay injured victims less and simultaneously download the cost of victims to the unsuspecting taxpayers who are the same drivers looking for a break on insurance premiums,” FAIR said.

The groups are also calling for supporters to sign an online petition.

Holding on to disability benefits an unfair struggle

They say the character of a society is judged by how we treat the most vulnerable amongst us. Those who live with a disability, whether physical or mental, that restricts their ability to work to support themselves and their families fall squarely into this group. The purpose of the Ontario Disability Support Program is to provide income to these individuals so they can survive. It's not a lot of money, and the benefits are notoriously difficult to obtain, but it serves as a crucial lifeline for many people in this province.

CPSO Transparency: By-Law Amendment a Step in the Right Direction

Most complaints to the College of Physicians and Surgeons (“CPSO”) are made because patients want to ensure that the same medical mistake that they were subjected to doesn’t happen to someone else....

Privacy commissioner calls for prosecution of third snooping case

Ontario’s privacy commissioner is calling on the government to prosecute health workers who allegedly snooped into medical records — for the second time this year and the third time in history.

Ontario Government Abandons Auto Accident Victims

TORONTO, May 28, 2015 /CNW/ - Last week the Standing Committee on Finance and Economic Affairs met with the public and industry stakeholders to consult on Bill 91, Building Ontario Up Act.

Our legislators chose not to invite auto accident victims to the consultation process and instead opted to look at empty chairs rather than look auto accident victims in the eye and listen to their concerns.

Ontario already has the highest premiums in Canada and the lowest coverage with 80% of claims capped at $3500 for med/rehab. As pointed out by the Ontario Auditor General in 2011, about half of all claims are turned down by insurers and this means that our benefits are also too difficult to access.

Our government is proposing to cut $1 million dollars in coverage from catastrophically injured auto accident victims who currently have $2 million in coverage. Seriously injured victims will see their coverage drop from $86,000 to $65,000.

It appears that our government hasn't considered the recent study that revealed that Ontario drivers were overcharged by their insurance companies by $840 million in 2013 and that we have overpaid insurers by $3-4 billion dollars since 2001.

It is unacceptable to be giving away money to wealthy insurance companies who are already using some very shady business practices to deny a record number of claims.

Victims are downloaded to OHIP, Ontario Works (OW), Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP) and CPP disability. These programs are already overburdened and don't offer the specialized treatments that many victims require so they will simply be left to fend for themselves.

Our government is giving insurers a financial gift by allowing insurers to pay injured victims less and simultaneously download the cost of victims to the unsuspecting taxpayers who are also the same drivers looking for a break on insurance premiums.

So what are we going to do about it?

We invite the public and Ontario's auto accident victims to join FAIR and the Accident Benefit Coalition on Wednesday June 3rd, 2015 from 12 pm- 1:30 pm at Queen's Park at the #Rally4AccidentVictims.

We hope you will sign the petition asking the Government to Stop Reducing Accident Benefits.

FAIR Association of Victims for Accident Insurance Reform is a not-for-profit organization of MVA victims and their supporters.

SOURCE FAIR Association of Victims for Accident Insurance Reform

For further information:

Media Contact: Rhona DesRoches, 705 543-0574,

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Ontario auto insurance - what are we buying into? FAIR submission


FAIR was not chosen, nor were any of our members who also applied for an appearance, to speak to auto accident victim issues and the deep cuts to coverage at the Standing Committee on General Government in respect to Bill 91.

Below and attached is our submission to the Standing Committee fyi. As consumers who forced to buy a product that does more harm than good for half of Ontario's MVA victims already and whose coverage is about to be slashed in half, there ought to be a public outcry. So if you paid your premium last week, by the time Bill 91 passes, you will have $1 million less coverage if you are catastrophically injured. No rebate, no notice in the mail, it's just done. You'll find out when you get in an auto accident or on your next premium renewal in the small print. It doesn't just affect you, it affects that person you might accidentally hit with your car, and now that person will also have only $1 million for med/rehab and only 5 years to collect it (as opposed to $2 million and 10 yrs right now). As if people who are so traumatically injured, perhaps in a wheelchair, or seriously brain injured are magically better in just 60 months. It takes longer than that for many victims to just get to court to even hold their insurer accountable. 

We pay insurance in that off-chance that we get in an accident so we, and those we injure, have coverage and so we won't be dependent on our families and loved ones or a burden on society. But the reality is that over the past 25 years our coverage is now only a fraction of what it was when Ontario entered into the No-Fault insurance system in 1990. We have no meaningful way to hold this industry accountable except in individual circumstances and at great personal expense. It's an industry that now poses a direct threat to our economy when it is the taxpayer who is paying a premium for benefits that are increasingly difficult to get when you need them and when you factor in the download to the tax payer through the use of our public systems.

Something that seems to get lost in all of the rhetoric and in the complexity of the Insurance Act with all of the changes and stripping of benefits is this: there isn't much difference between the person that is 52% whole body impairment (serious injury) or the person who is 55% or catastrophically injured. But there's a big difference in the amount of coverage available. A $935,000.00 difference. Certainly an amount insurers will fight hard to hold onto. It is these thresholds like the MIG cap at $3500 (80% of claims) vs serious injury vs catastrophic injury categories that is feeding the adversarial system and leaving victims high and dry.

These specialized treatments that we talk about, and the timing that is so very important to recovery, aren't available in our public systems and are outside our public coverage with OHIP. Only a few will be able to afford what is necessary for a best recovery scenario. The rest will pay out of pocket if they can. Most will go without. Many will not recover without assistance. Will it be you? Will it be you that will end up on welfare or ODSP or CPP Disability? Or the people you accidentally injured? How would it feel to know the treatment to make you better is there but you can't afford it? This is already happening to half of all auto accident victims.

"We take you now to a dark land where fraud is rife, corruption abounds and the government seems powerless. No, not some calcified dictatorship in Africa or South America. This is Ontario, home to Canada’s worst auto insurance system, a vast subculture of lawyers, health-care operators, inept regulators and gaming politicians who cannot or will not come to grips with a regulatory failure that costs motorists billions." Terence Corcoran http://business.
When we talk about fraud (a great distraction away from the poor coverage and access) we need to talk about the fact that Ontario's insurers are selling us a product that only works for half of those who pay and we need to look at the fraud in the system that allows that to happen. http://www.

Sent to our MPPS and  media.

Rhona DesRoches
FAIR, Board Chair

Tammy Kirkwood
FAIR, Vice Chair 

 May 25, 2015

Why is our Government allowing Ontario’s wealthy insurers to slash benefits to the most injured of auto accident victims?

The 2015 budget is an absolute windfall for Ontario’s insurers who are the beneficiaries of Building Ontario Up by building up their already substantial profits on the backs of Ontario’s seriously injured auto accident victims.

 Consumers and accident victims alike are already being short-changed when the coverage they purchased isn’t there when they need it. According to the Auditor General’s 2011 report on auto insurance about half of all claims end up in court trying to get what they paid for and that isn’t any more acceptable than purchasing a car and finding out that the brakes only work half the time. 

Ontario’s wealthy insurance companies have had an "easy ride for over 20 years" according to the recent Schulich School of Business report on Ontario’s insurance industry.  Insurers have overcharged Ontario drivers by billions and are making 17% on their investments while claimants, who have paid in good faith, are left hanging out to dry at a time when they need assistance.

How can it be that our government, under the guise of protecting victims, is proposing to cut over a $1 million dollars in coverage for the most seriously injured among us? How is that fiscally responsible?
Victims don’t just disappear when insurers fail to live up to the promise of coverage; they just end up on our public support systems at the tax-payers’ expense.

The Budget does nothing to ensure that insurer claims management practices are fair and there has been no action on FAIR’s concerns about the biased and corrupt insurer medical examination (IME) reports that are disqualifying innocent and legitimate accident victims every day. The auto insurance landscape should be cleaned up but instead we see Ontario’s auto insurers being rewarded handsomely for disqualifying as many claims as they manage to handle through the biased medical opinions that have poisoned our insurance system, our courts, and are causing such hardship for legitimate claimants.

We can only speculate why our government is under such significant pressure to support the abuses and dysfunction in our insurance system. The new LAT system and increasing the $30,000 deductible requires that our MPPs ignore the Charter rights of all accident victims to access to our courts. We would like to know why our elected officials are willing to create a third class citizen by making our courts unaffordable and inaccessible. It is no small thing to denigrate the most vulnerable members of our society so an elite industry can profit.

We have no doubt that the new Tribunal hearings system will benefit Ontario’s insurers who are still doing nothing about their excessive claims turn down rate because our Government isn’t even asking that the insurers be accountable for their shoddy claims handling practices. This inaction on the insurance file has led to the unprecedented volume of cases in our civil court system. The new LAT system will be faster but it will still punish victims and be based on Ontario’s insurers’ dependence on their deceptive and dishonest medical reports.

Ontario insurance is an adversarial delay and deny business model and profits depend on the turn down of claims. But who is paying for that?  Well, first the victims who endure the endless bogus medical examinations required by our insurers in order for them to deny to access benefits. There are now so many thresholds and quantifiers of injury because insurers and the IBC work very hard to keep injured Ontarians at the lowest level of coverage. It’s a simple plan because the more levels of coverage there are; the more opportunity there is for an insurer to deny the claim.

According to HCAI data insurers have consistently spent more on medical assessments than they do on treatment. There’s a reason for this and it has nothing to do with returning their customers to wellness; it has to do with ‘shopping’ for medical opinions until the insurer gets what they want, an excuse to turn down the claim. All of these coverage issues are ultimately worked out in our courts at a cost to the taxpayer. This costs Ontario’s insurers nothing and the biggest price is paid by the victims who are more likely than not going to have to pay for their own recovery while caught in the system. This isn’t coverage; it’s a false impression of comfort that just isn’t there. It’s now a fantasy of coverage our government is forcing us to buy.

Even small changes such as the “require goods and services not explicitly listed in the Statutory Accident Benefits Schedule (SABS) to be “essential” and agreed on by the insurer” will become a point of contention and lead to even more cases in our courts if these changes pass into law.

Many of our members are already on public supports.  There were over 42,000 Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP) applications last year and too many of them are auto accident claimants who are forced to wait many years for their benefits and who are already going without the treatment they need for recovery.

There are 61,063 auto insurance cases on the docket in Ontario courts, there are over 25,000 claims at the Financial Services Commission DRS unit, and many of our members are already on ODSP and CPP disability so Ontario’s insurers are well on the road to paying less than their fair share of MVA expenses and we already have a distorted form of public auto insurance.

Why is the Ontario government willing to allow insurers to shave more than a million dollars of coverage from our policies and willing to punish victims in a way we haven’t seen before?  There are about 600 or so catastrophically injured MVA victims every year and so this will be an immediate saving of $600 million in just the first year alone. Victims will be downloaded to the public systems that are not set up to service their disabilities and unlike the fantasy world of protecting claimants in Building Ontario Up, victims will be sacrificed to build up insurer profits.  These seriously injured individuals will face a lifetime of increased physical, emotional and financial challenges if Bill 91 is passed as is.

We are very concerned about the changes to the Catastrophic Impairment designation. The direction and the insurer presence on the CAT Panel haven’t inspired confidence that the industry will do the right thing here. At one point only 75% of that Panel agreed that paraplegia or quadriplegia was a catastrophic injury. Now the potential that the industry will separate mental and physical injuries as if they were unrelated is another danger for injured victims and this too will lead to increased court challenges.

Why is our government indexing the court deductible of $30,000 for tort claims but not considering indexing the inadequate $400/wk income replacement for victims that has also stayed the same for well over a decade now? Here is a clear demonstration of the imbalance in how our government views auto insurance when the insurer’s income from the deductible (and it is the insurer who gets to hang on to that $30,000) is indexed to inflation and yet MVA victims are expected to survive on an amount that is lower than our minimum wage and far below the poverty line.

It is an illusion to say that we are ensuring affordable insurance by allowing insurers to pay injured victims less and simultaneously be downloading the cost of victims to the taxpayers who are also the same drivers looking for a break on insurance premiums.

The system is broken and no matter how much our government is willing to give to insurers and take away from the injured, it will still be broken and dysfunctional. We are asking you to put a moratorium on these changes until further review can be done to ensure that Ontario’s auto insurance is providing the coverage we need. We need to look at changing the system, making it more reliable for victims and easier to navigate. These are procedural changes that insurers must make and it is up to government to ensure that they do so.

Thank you for the opportunity to present our point of view. We think it is important that you hear from victims and hope that next time the Standing Committee will invite actual victims to these hearings on issues that affect them rather than just listening to Ontario’s insurers.

FAIR Association of Victims for Accident Insurance Reform is a grass roots not-for-profit that advocates for Ontario’s auto accident victims.

FAIR – supporting auto accident victims through advocacy and education’

FAIR Association of Victims for Accident Insurance Reform
579A Lakeshore Rd. E., PO Box 39522, Mississauga, ON, L5G 4S6 mailto:fairautoinsurance@

Ontario's government leaves most injured forgotten

In the last speech of politician Hubert Humphrey, he delivered wise words we should all remember come election time: “...the moral test of government is how that government treats those who are in the shadows of life; the sick, the needy and the handicapped.”

More/ source: 

Ontario Health Coalition calls on government to 'stop the cuts'

Members of the Ontario Health Coalition and their supporters staged a peaceful demonstration outside of Liberal Cabinet Minister Ted McMeekin’s Waterdown constituency office on May 22 as part of the group’s escalating campaign against hospital cuts.

More/ source:

For - Profit rehab clinics driving up insurance costs

Ontarians deserve an auto insurance system that is simple, efficient and affordable. As with any product, the price of the auto insurance is set at a level that covers the cost of delivering it. The largest contributor to the cost of auto insurance premiums - by far - is claims payments.

More/ source:

Why Ontario’s auto insurance system is a car wreck

We take you now to a dark land where fraud is rife, corruption abounds and the government seems powerless. No, not some calcified dictatorship in Africa or South America. This is Ontario, home to Canada’s worst auto insurance system, a vast subculture of lawyers, health-care operators, inept regulators and gaming politicians who cannot or will not come to grips with a regulatory failure that costs motorists billions.

Ontario’s Budget Announcement on Auto Insurance: An Avalanche of Attrition Continuing to Crush Victims’ Rights

According to Ontario’s Liberal government, the 2015 Budget is about “enhancing the quality of life of people” and striving to “build a fair society, with strong health care” and “support people with disabilities”. Ironically, the proposed amendments to the Insurance Act regulations will likely defeat this very purpose by draining our health care system, denying needed treatment to those who need it most and lining the insurance industry’s pockets further.

More/ source:

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Stop Reducing Ontario Accident Benefits - Petition

Ontario: Be aware of the proposed Changes to Accident Benefits which impacts all of us (including our loved ones) when injured in a car crash.

If you or a loved one is injured in a car accident you are entitled to certain benefits which you will rely on for your recovery.  These Accident Benefits are paid by you and regulated by the Ontario Government.

In 2010 the Ontario Government permitted insurance companies to dramatically cut these benefits for all accident victims.  Now there are more proposed reductions which will severely cut benefits for the most vulnerable victims of car crashes.  This will hurt victims' chances to recover from accidents and load additional costs to our already overly burdened health care system.

Finance Minister Charles Sousa recently announced the following proposed changes to the standard benefit level:

-$1 million coverage for medical and rehabilitation benefits and $1 million for attendant care benefits for catastrophically impaired persons to be reduced to half and combined

-Non-catastrophic benefits to be reduced from $86,000 to $65,000
-Medical and rehabilitation benefits for non-catastrophically injured persons will be available for only 5 years instead of 10
-Non-earner benefits (available for students or recent graduates) limited to two years

These proposed changes are unethical, especially considering Ontarians overpaid $840 million in 2013 and $3-4 billion from 2001-2013.

And unless we speak up, changes to our Accident Benefits could continue to take hits. It takes a lot to recover from a serious injury and many will be impaired for the entirety of their lives.

Please sign this petition, pass along, and contact your local MPP.

Petition/ source:

Adding insult to workplace injury

Injured workers: It’s the kind of story journalists hear about a lot and sometimes dread, because if you look into one case, you’ll hear from 10 more people in the same or more serious situations. Did I say 10? It’s sometimes 20. And the sheer number means not only is there something clearly wrong, but that it’s systemic.

Don’t be fooled by the Insurance Bureau of Canada

Cambridge Times
CAMBRIDGE- What is wrong with the Ontario government? They are yet again further reducing auto insurance coverage without requiring any premium reductions. 

This is the worst of both worlds, and it comes after a year of record profits for insurance companies and a study which concluded that motorists overpaid for auto insurance by $840 million in 2013 alone. 

When I wrote a letter to the Times (“Insurance companies reaping profits”, April 28), exposing insurance company largesse, it was responded to within 24 hours by the head of the Insurance Bureau of Canada, Ralph Palumbo.   

His quick response demonstrates how well organized the insurance lobby is in this province. 

Mr. Palumbo doesn’t want you to think about the profits insurance companies are making. 

So instead, he talks about the need for “transparency and fairness”. 

But even there he is on shaky ground. He will not disclose how much insurance companies pay him to lobby on their behalf.   

We do know that the Insurance Bureau of Canada has a lobbying budget of $32 million per year, and that money comes out of your pocket. 

This is your money being used to persuade the government to reduce the assistance you get if you are in an accident.............

More/ source:

Thursday, May 14, 2015


Letter to Social Security Tribunal of Canada

Dear Ms. /Mrs. Brazeau:

Please acknowledge receipt of my Facsimile Submission to you on January 22, 2015 included herein and also online at:

Your lack of response only serves to substantiate my previous claims about how my claim for CPP Disability Benefits has been handled to date.

As an appeal applicant I require you to answer my enquires involving my Canadian Pension Plan Disability Application.

As you know I have gone public about Service Canada, the Social Security Tribunal, and the Insurance industry puppets that prey on legitimate accident victims. The information I have compiled during my problematic 7 year battle to receive Canadian Pension Plan Disability Benefits shows how much of a dysfunctional product it is.

As a member of Fair Association of Victims for Accident Insurance Reform I also require an answer to my questions as an advocate for the 15,000 people that are waiting at your Social Security Tribunal backlog.

These same people discarded by their auto insurance companies. These same people with legitimate injuries that were already backlogged At FSCO because of our justice system has run amok.

Then these same people were denied by Service Canada ending up at your door backlogged once again as part of a delay, deny, wait for them to die tactic directed at injured victims already victimized by Motor Vehicle crashes.

These backlogged consumers that were mandated to purchase security and piece of mind from Ontario's insurers through government legislation.

The same people who already have a severely diminished quality of life. They are injured, broke, medicated, terminally ill, often organ transplant recipients, they are stressed out, dying and suicidal.


- 14,500 Canadians waiting at Broken Social Security Tribunal:
-Fair Association of Victims for Accident Insurance Reform
-So You Think You're Covered! The Insurance Industry Rip-Off:
-Government on hot seat about dying Alberta man denied CPP disability benefits:

-Administrative Justice and DISABILITY Claims – NOT A PRETTY PICTURE
-‘Amputate your leg’ Insurer’s expert recommendation to accident victim
-Social security tribunal backlog includes terminally ill, others deep in debt
-In the House of Commons on April 27th, 2015. Mr. Speaker, we are talking about people who are desperate. They have serious health issues; some of them are depressed and suicidal.

Service Canada mentions my blogs in their submission to the Social Security Tribunal, and uses my blogs as an excuse not to pay Canadian Pension Plan Disability Benefits.
See GD-12-10.
You can't have it both ways Ms Brazeau. Service Canada can't use my blog as an excuse not to pay CPP Disability Benefits and at the same time choose not to include my email appeal submissions regarding my blog? Clearly my blog has become relevant and should be included in the conversation and made part of the record.
Herein are examples of some relevant information :
-Social security officials idle in tribunal's early months as backlog grew

-Was government really blindsided by disability benefits backlog?

-Kenney: Social security backlog ‘unacceptable’
-Fraud against insurance claimants - business-as-usual

-Baloney Meter: social security tribunal
-Wait Stretches years due to tribunal backlog
-Question Period: Shameful Social Security Tribunal Backlog:
-Question Period: Social Security Tribunal:
-Question Period: Social Security Tribunal:
-Social Security Tribunal members earned $100 000 a year to sit

Please address the following CPP Disability Appeal
issues that remain outstanding

1-Ontario will introduce legislation to tackle privacy violations of health records my issues regarding health records are the following:

(a)-My Medical file that was left on a bench in front of our house on December 3, 2014. .

(b)- Anonymous access to my medical records have been downloaded
HCAI Security Breach: and transferred to unsecured mail servers.

Phillis Brodie RN Service Canada said she would decide where she was going to get medical information from and let me know by letter. She never did. She wrote down my lawyers name, address, fax number, phone number, so she could.
Where did Phillis Brodie of Service Canada get my medical records from?
See: audio recordings Phillis Brodie RN Service Canada
2- Please respond to the Social Security Tribunal Unreasonable Conduct described in my fax submission to you on January 22, 2015 and Service Canada Intent to Deceive, Bad Faith Administering my Claim, and Service Canada being Caught in Lie.
See attached: January 22, 2015 Fax Submission to Ms Brazeau -Social Security Tribunal Chairperson.
3- Social security officials idle in the tribunal's early months as backlog grew
4- Again, please acknowledgement that I did not write the posting: Ottawa’s unjust approach to disability insurance by Jackie Esmonde , Marie Chen published September 12, 2014. GD15-3
5-Please acknowledge I do not “make software” or “build computers” as Service Canada has said in there submission to the Social Security Tribunal.
6-Please fix the error in my file that I administrate the Fair Association site at GD5-3
7-Because the Social Security Tribunal Backlog has stretched on for years and Service Canada s routine denials of benefits it is reasonable that there will be an earning freeze on my claim. I also request an adjustment to my starting date to my first application for Disability benefits in 2008 -when I first applied one year after I was disabled by a fatal automobile crash.
I submit that Service Canada never did a full investigation with my 1st application.

7-Again, I kindly request a pre hearing.
8-And yet again, I still would like an answer to my question of how Service Canada can write “we know you cant work” and still continue to deny me access to Disability benefits?

9- I AM USING THE SAME EMAIL. WE HAVE NOT MOVED. PLEASE DO NOT SAY THAT WE HAVE. If we do I will of course notify you. Is this how you will get rid of the 15,000 appeals by “proceeding in your absence” decisions?
See email Jonathan Lylyk- Case Management Officer Social Security Tribunal.

Again, I kindly request that you include ALL my submissions for my appeal. Since you have decided not to allow my email submissions I will begin sending them by fax when I am able. That will include all the years of contents from my blogs.
Because you may not respond again I will be sending this to all the Members of the Social Security Tribunal, that have not quit, in hopes that someone with intelligence will respond.
Chelsea Murielle Brazeau I remind you that my employers and I have paid into the Canadian Pension Plan since 1979. That's how you get a $233,900 salary. I deserve better than to be treated unfairly, delayed, denied, and lied to. We had enough of that behaviour from Service Canada, the Insurance companies, and our backlogged justice system for the rich.
This is abuse-of-process. I paid many years into our society for the privilege of not being ignored. Please give my claim the attention it deserves. It is reasonable that I request full and fair disclosure of my relevant documents by the Social Security Tribunal of Canada. It is clear that there is an ongoing duty and obligation to adjust my file. I also recommend that you ameliorate this situation for those of us that are most vulnerable and at risk in our society.
For almost 8 years this is all that I do, I am consumed by this one sided process.
Someone should do the right thing and fix this mess.
Looking forward to hearing from you, and everyone that gets a copy of this correspondence in this regard. My application for CPP Disability was first submitted in 2008. I told you the longer this takes the louder I will be.

Cc: undisclosed at this time

Please note:
This letter has taken a long time for me to write given my headaches and mixing up letters of the alphabet. I want to say thank you to all the people that help me edit my letters and blog postings. Thank you. If it were not for you, my letters would not be so coherent and family friendly.
The attachment:

DELAY DENY wait for them to DIE at the SST