Friday, February 20, 2015

Fair Association Submission to Pre-budget consultation


I am a motor vehicle accident survivor and I suffered with a severe brain injury.  The funding and resources available to me in the Statutory Accident Benefit Schedule (SABS) of 2008 assisted me in my recovery.  I worked for the government in the Ministry of Social Services and Ministry of Community Safety and Correctional Services, prior to the accident.  I am well aware of the social services programs.

I am appalled that the insurance industries are being allowed to download THEIR responsibilities of injured MVA victims to our already overloaded social services to save their profits.

The resources necessary to recover from a MVA, are readily available to the survivors through the rehabilitation services resources through the insurers.  The same resources and funding is NOT available through our social services.

With the legislation constantly being changed and benefits slashed by your government, you are assisting the insurers to bully, delay and deny the vulnerable persons who entered a contract to assist them when necessary.  Your government made insurance mandatory to operate a vehicle, but your government is deleting the mandatory responsibilities of the insurers and allowing them to breech the contracts we, the people, are made to sign.

The endless and expensive IME (independent medical examination) being used by the insurers to delay and deny victims is traumatizing some of the most vulnerable population.

The monies being taken out of the medical and rehabilitative benefits, is not being used to assist a victim to return to state of well being. It’s being used to abuse the victims and ultimately line the pockets of others to make money on the backs of a vulnerable population.

I truly believe OUR tax dollars and our government’s supports should be used to assist all Ontarians and NOT support wealthy insurance companies to escape their responsibilities to auto accident survivors!

Tammy Kirkwood
Vice Chair


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