Monday, February 23, 2015

The Crash Tested Submission to Minister of Finance on Auto Insurance

Minister of Finance

Mr. Sousa,I am a motor vehicle accident survivor and a former small business owner however,I am not a low-information voter. I am perplexed,alarmed,dismayed and disgusted that your Ministry continues to acquiesce to each and every demand put forth by the Insurance Bureau of Canada (IBC). Ontario residents have seen benefits ravenously slashed to the bone or outright eliminated with no recourse.Meanwhile the insurance company plays games with rates and exponentially increases shareholder value on the backs of the injured,some catastrophically .Your government has forced legitimate accident claimants onto Social Services and require hospital care provided by the taxpayer while the insurer is allowed to avoid any responsibility and evade their contractual obligations.

Fraud has largely been perpetrated by organized crime and not the majority of the public yet you and your Ministry have fecklessly bought into the caustic propaganda the IBC has pervasively promoted.You've even outrageously come out as their boorish cheerleader touting what a wonderful thing these changes to auto insurance will do for Ontario drivers and those injured in a vehicle accident.You have never spoken specifically about Bill 15 but instead given the public your obtuse, irksome and mendacious platitudes and sound as if the new legislation is an accomplishment.

Your party claims to be the guardian of compassion but the punitive actions leveled against injured victims,including those who can no longer defend themselves,but you have chosen to accept personal cash benefits from an industry you and your Ministry are mandated to regulate.You are no longer serving the people,something you swore to do.

I will not get into issues such as contemptuously removing the Constitutional right to seek remedy in court.I will not waste my time pointing out the egregious and  inherent problems with the removal of experienced arbitrators and scandalously replacing them with political appointees,that is absurd.There is little point in bring up the insurance industry's proclivity to use rouge doctors who produce bogus medical assessments.You are fully and completely aware of the widespread damage along with personal and financial grief caused by your horrible actions injured accident victims and their families will now face for a lifetime all for your exclusive purposes.You have abdicated your responsibility as Minister of Finance for personal gain while adamantly ignoring the issues that many,including myself,have tried unsuccessfully to convey to you and your Ministry regarding auto insurance.

I have no confidence you will listen to anyone but the IBC and this is largely a public relations exercise that will be neglected just as every single person,group and organization has been throughout the phony public consultations that your government held leading up to the passing of Bill 15.May I suggest that the pair of shoes you buy for budget day be a pair of sandals,they're full of holes,I have every confidence the symbolism will be forebodingly apt. 


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