Sunday, November 9, 2014

CPSO Transparency Time line

CPSO makes transparency time line. 

They say on their website:"CPSO is committed to transparency and making an increasing amount of information publicly available about the physicians that we regulate".

 Their "Transparency-Principle" is displayed on their web site:

Most people who come forward
with a problem about a health care provider just do it so nobody else has to go threw what they went threw.

Transparency is a good thing. 
It keeps the powers that be honest.

Victims of our insurance systems need that transparency.

If CPSO's transparency works we could use it to fix all aspects of government run programs.

Programs like the Social Security Tribunal.

The Social Security Tribunal has over 10,000 appeals waiting to be heard.

How many of these appeals came from insurance victims that were burned by our justice system? Because of the FSCO backlogs. When justice delayed, became justice denied?

How many of these appeals had to be made because of unjust delay-denial-tactics by these insurance systems, helped along quietly by pay-for-hire doctors?

How many people have lost their homes, their family’s, and even their lives, waiting for these insurance systems?  

How many people are just giving up?

Canadian Insurance News

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