Zero tolerance for sexual assault in doctors’ offices is being undermined by lack of actions by Ontario’s College of Physicians, Ministry of Health, and police.
Lawyer Marilou McPhedran rightly asks: “What are the measurements
(of competence), and why is that measurement when it’s happened to women
not important enough to be an overall indicator of proficiency and
competence of the health professional?”
You would think legislated zero tolerance for sexual abuse in a doctor’s office, of all places, would mean just that.
But you wouldn’t know
it from the actions of the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario
— and the lack of action from the province’s minister of health, Eric
Hoskins, and Peel Police.
The result: doctors
who have been found to have sexually abused patients by the College are
being allowed to continue practicing and are avoiding criminal
It has to stop. And it
would be easy for the College, the minister or the police to achieve
just that — but no one is taking responsibility.
The situation is so
appalling that opposition critics argue that the Liberal government is
protecting sexual abusers, despite the focus on sexual assaults raised
by the Jian Ghomeshi scandal. “Today we learned doctors can sexually
assault women and return to practice,” London West MPP Peggy Sattler
said earlier this week following a Star story on the issue.
Sattler was referring
to the case of physician Dr. Sastri Maharajh. The Mississauga doctor
admitted to the college that he sexually assaulted as many as 13 female
patients by either resting his cheek or placing his mouth on their
breasts during exams. But after a suspension of just eight months, he is
now allowed to continue practicing as long as he treats male patients
College had the powers to revoke his licence permanently, experts say,
but chose instead to hide behind a loophole that requires a mandatory
revocation of a doctor’s licence only in cases that involve sexual
intercourse, various forms of contact with the genitals, the anus and
the mouth, and masturbation.
So a doctor who cups a
patient’s breast in his mouth during a breast exam, as Maharajh
admitted to doing, is off the hook with the College.
That is scary.
But this is scarier. A Star analysis of the College’s public register shows that 21 doctors
who have already been disciplined for professional misconduct,
incompetence, or incapacity have gender-based restrictions on
As Marilou McPhedran, a lawyer who chaired two provincial task forces on sexual abuse of patients, asks:
“What are the measurements (of competence), and why is that measurement
when it’s happened to women not important enough to be an overall
indicator of proficiency and competence of the health professional?”
There’s more. The
College could report its findings to Peel Police, but insists it cannot
say whether it has or not. Meanwhile, Peel Police say they are not
investigating Maharajh but would if the college complained or a victim
came forward.
It’s a merry-go-round of excuses.
Experts say there’s nothing stopping police from initiating an investigation by contacting the College of Physicians directly.
In fact, in another
sex abuse case involving a psychologist, Peel Police did contact a
regulatory college to get the name of a victim.
In that case, Vincent
Lo, a former psychologist, was arrested and charged with three counts of
sexual assault in October. Two years ago, he had been disciplined by
the College of Psychologists of Ontario for professional misconduct
after he admitted he had sexually touched a male patient. Catherine
Yarrow, registrar and executive director of the CPO, said Peel Police inquired about Lo in the spring and, after receiving the patient’s consent, the college provided police with the requested information.
stop on this road of studied inaction, the minister of health, Eric
Hoskins. He is aware that the College is using a loophole to circumvent
the law’s intention of zero tolerance — one he could close. He is also
aware he could make it mandatory for the College to report sexual abuse
to the police, as is done in other jurisdictions such as Alberta.
He has done neither so
far — despite being pressed by opposition critics — though he has
asked, he says, for a review of the legislation.
In the meantime,
Maharajh and others continue to practice. In the meantime, the message
goes out that sexual assault in a doctor’s office will not have the same
consequences — immediate reporting to the police — as it would if it
occurred on the street. In the meantime, we do not have zero tolerance
for sexual abuse in a doctor’s office despite legislation first passed
to achieve this in 1991.
It is 2014.
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