Monday, September 29, 2014

Insurance discrimination unfair

Much has been written about the high rates of insurance in Ontario. However, the biggest problem is the government’s permission for insurance companies to divide the province into smaller and smaller districts.
Toronto has 10 different districts. Accident rates are roughly the same wherever you go in Toronto, but rates are vastly different depending on your postal code. The same driver, car, and habits gets a rate that is nearly double if they live at Jane and Lawrence, in Weston versus Forest Hill, for example. Why is that, when everything else is the same?
The answer seems to be in the cost to the insurer per collision. The cost per collision in my riding is approximately $30,000. The average cost in all of Ontario is approximately $8,000. These figures were given to me by the Insurance Bureau of Canada. When all other factors are equal, this one drives the rates.
What makes the cost per collision in my riding so much higher? My riding of York South–Weston has the lowest average family income in Toronto. Many of my constituents are retired, or unemployed or employed in precarious work with no benefits. As a result, when comparing two accidents, involving individuals with benefits and without, the answer is obvious.
When a person with benefits in their employment is injured in an accident, the employer pays the sick leave and extra medical costs. The auto insurer does not, until the employer plan is maxed out. When a person with no benefits is injured, the insurance company is on the hook for wage replacement (sick leave) and all extra medical cost from day one.
Insurers often point to fraud as a driver of rates. Insurance fraud is only 1 per cent of the total cost of insurance in Ontario. It does not explain double rates in the same city depending on where you live.
The system discriminates against Ontarians based on income. If you are from an part of the province where many people are retired, unemployed or employed with no benefits, you will pay higher premiums. And the difference, even in the same city, is dramatic.
This is a fundamental flaw of the no-fault system we have here in Ontario. Insurers are able to base rates on where you live, in smaller and smaller districts. The average rate for good drivers in Ontario should be around $800 per year. In fact in my riding, it is closer to $3,000 per year.
One can understand rates based on driving record, age, habits, and the like. But to charge higher rates because you are poor, or poorly employed is completely unacceptable. I urge the province to investigate and correct this defect.
Mike Sullivan, MP, York South–Weston
In September 2012 I moved from Burlington to Brampton. I did not buy a new car. My driving record has not changed. My annual car insurance went from $1,207 to $2,441. There is something terribly wrong with this picture. Did a change in postal code change who I am? I wonder what else my new postal code implies about me.
Martha Ross, Brampton


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