Giving the public a clearer perspective on how doctors are compensated might change negotiations and improve health care, critics say.
“If the public had more information on the way doctors are
compensated, they might have a more balanced perspective in terms of
giving their views to the government during negotiations,” says Tom
Closson, former president of the Ontario Hospital Association.
Making OHIP billings
public would give the province a leg up during contract negotiations
with doctors, says the former president of the Ontario Hospital
“The government always
has one hand tied behind its back in those negotiations because the
medical association advertises on behalf of doctors, suggesting they
should be compensated well because they are performing an important
task,” Tom Closson said.
The Ontario Medical Association (OMA), which bargains on behalf of the province’s 28,600 physicians, has launched expensive advertising campaigns during past negotiations in an attempt to build public support.
“If the public had
more information on the way doctors are compensated, they might have a
more balanced perspective in terms of giving their views to the
government during negotiations,” said Closson, who also previously
served as president of the University Health Network and, prior to that,
president of Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre.
The province is currently in contract negotiations with the OMA, and according to multiple sources the talks are limping along.
A conciliator was
recently brought in after the two sides were unable to reach an
agreement on their own or with a facilitator’s help.
“What I can say is
that we are pleased to have the Hon. Warren K. Winkler, former Chief
Justice of Ontario, to serve as the conciliator,” OMA president Dr. Ved Tandan
said in an emailed statement. “Justice Winkler is internationally
recognized for his experience in mediation and dispute resolution, and
we look forward to working with him during this phase.”
Negotiations for a new
Physician Services Agreement centre on establishing how much doctors
should get paid for each consultation or procedure performed, a payment
model known as fee-for-service.
Talks started early this year, prior to the March 31 expiration of the last agreement.
There is a media
blackout on the negotiations, but sources say Dr. David Naylor, past
president of the University of Toronto, was brought in as a facilitator
last August. He issued confidential recommendations to each side, but
was unable to bring the parties to an agreement, and they continue to
dig in their heels.
Winkler’s recommendations will not be binding, but his report will be made public.
Health Minister Eric
Hoskins has already let it be known that physicians should not expect a
funding hike. “There are no additional funds available for
compensation,” he said in an interview earlier this year.
The province spends about $11 billion annually on physicians, most on fee-for-service payments.
The top 100 billers to
the Ontario Health Insurance Plan were paid a total of $191 million in
2012-13, according to data the Star received from the health ministry
through a freedom-of-information request.
The Star was denied a request to get the names of those top billers, a decision it is appealing.
Tandan has concerns about billings being publicly identified with particular physicians.
“While public
accountability and transparency are important, simply publishing a list
of individual physician billings could be incorrectly equated as a
physician’s salary and requires much more information for it to be
interpreted correctly,” he said, noting that overhead expenses are paid
out of billings.
Tandan also said some
doctors have high billings for good reasons — for example, if they work
in underserved communities or are participating in government programs
to cut down on wait times for procedures such as cancer surgery.
But Closson argued members of the public have a right to know how their tax dollars are being spent.
“The negotiations
between the Ministry of Health and the Ontario Medical Association
should be conducted with the public having an understanding of how much
their physicians are paid, as it is the public's money that the
government is agreeing to spend,” he said.
During past
negotiations, governments have tried to garner public support for their
positions by making an issue of what doctors get paid.
In 1996, then Conservative health minister Jim Wilson was forced to temporarily step down after an aide leaked to a reporter that a Peterborough cardiologist was a top biller.
The cardiologist was
then vice-chair of the Specialist Coalition of Ontario, an OMA breakaway
group that was on strike at the time seeking to force the government to
pay them more. He had just held a news conference to criticize the
government’s intention to limit doctors’ OHIP billings.
During the last round of negotiations, in 2012, then health minister Deb Matthews
made a point of telling reporters that Ontario physicians were the best
paid in the country, on average earning $385,000 a year, 75 per cent
more than nine years earlier.
The negotiations have a
long history of being acrimonious. During the 2012 talks, the
government took the unusual step of unilaterally cutting fees for 37
services and procedures.
After the OMA responded with a constitutional challenge, the government relented on some of the cuts.
The government is
pushing harder than ever for more accountability from physicians during
the current talks, according to multiple sources.
The government feels burned after getting little return on massive investments in physicians in recent years, particularly in primary care, they said. Primary care refers to the entry point to the health system, often the family doctor.
Despite an almost
$1-billion investment in family doctors between 2006-07 and 2009-10,
many Ontarians continue to have trouble getting in to see a doctor.
A recent report from Health Quality Ontario revealed that 60 per cent of Ontarians can’t get same-day or next-day appointments when they are ill.
Fuelling the
government’s hard-line stance during the current talks are the savings
targets set out in the last agreement that have yet to be met, according
to sources. The goal of limiting spending growth in certain areas
wasn’t realized.
The government may
want to make doctors more accountable, but the sad reality is it has
limited influence on how doctors work, said health policy analyst Michael Rachlis.
“It’s one of dirty
little secrets of medicare,” said Rachlis, who is also a University of
Toronto adjunct professor. “The government can’t say: ‘Here is a job
description, follow it.’”
Provincial governments
and their medical associations believe public dollars set aside for
physician payments belong to doctors, Rachlis said, and it is up to the
doctors to allocate the monies among themselves.
“It’s an
insurance-based model where a doctor bills for seeing a patient. There
is no other requirement for accountability,” he said.
Physician payment
models, especially fee-for-service, don’t give physicians any financial
incentive to provide comprehensive care, he noted.
The piecework model
rewards quantity over quality. Doctors make more money if they see a lot
of patients, each for a short period of time, and send them off with
prescriptions for drugs and referrals to see specialists.
“We could have a way
better health-care system tomorrow without spending a penny,” Rachlis
said, but that would mean changing the government-doctor relationship to
make the profession more accountable.
Health policy
consultant Steven Lewis concurs. He argues the solution is to phase out
fee-for-service. Older doctors should have the option of sticking with
that way of being paid, while younger doctors should be encouraged to
enter into a new arrangement that ties their compensation to
accountability and health outcomes.
“I think there has to
be a generational change,” said Lewis, adding that polls have shown that
younger and female doctors, especially, are open to change.
Instituting such a huge change wouldn’t be easy, he acknowledged.
“It will take political will, vision and strategy and some tough-mindedness to get it done,” he said.
Dr. Isser Dubinsky,
former chief of emergency services at the University Health Network and
now a senior health consultant at the Hay Group, said he would like to
see far more accountability from hospital-based physicians.
“It needs to shift
from a relationship of what I would call credentials to privileges, to a
relationship of contracting,” he said.
Contracts should spell
out the expectations of physicians, Dubinsky said. That could include,
for example, being on-call once a week and meeting targets for average
length of patient stays and average cost of patient care.
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