A new system installed by the Ministry of Community and Social Services (MCSS) is in shambles and has generated millions of dollars of overpayments and other glitches in the system.
Front-line workers are scrambling to generate cheques manually, payments are going to incorrect addresses and workers are bracing themselves to get the correct cheques in the mail in time for Christmas.
A spokesperson for OPSEU, the union that represents many caseworkers who handle Ontarians Disability Support Program (ODSP) and Ontario Works (OW) cheques said the chaos caused by the new system is a “disaster” for workers and is providing hardships for people who need the cheques.
“A lot of people are waiting at the desk for their money,” said Anne Leach, who works in MCSS office in eastern Ontario.
A job aide provided by the ministry did not work.
“We were not able to fix the problem. Manual cheques were written,” she said.
“There were many overpayments. People’s entitlements at the end of the month were not accurate,” she said.
Many payments went to the wrong address.
“The new system did not recognize the new address, so payments were mailed to the old address,” she said.
“It was a disaster for the workers,” she said.
The benefits mess hit disabled people on Friday as ODSB cheques go out on the last banking day of every month.
The problem is expected to get worse this week when OW — general welfare — cheques go out on Monday.
Leach said there wasn’t enough work done to prepare recipients for the new system.
“We couldn’t even give people a heads-up.
“Some people didn’t get statements, so we’ll be hearing from people next week.”
Historically, there’s an early pay day in December. Cheques are expected to go out Dec. 20.
That gives workers only 10 days to straighten things out and get the correct information into the system in order to generate Christmas cheques on time.
“We’re bracing ourselves,” Leach said.
“It’s hectic. It’s crazy. It is emotional labour and we’re taking it home because we don’t know what to say to our clients,” she said.
The new system, purchased from IBM, went live Nov. 12.
A spokesman for social services minister Helena Jaczek says the new Social Assistant Management System (SAMS) was supposed to, bring service delivery into the 21st century.
“We recognize that there have been some issues with the implementation process of SAMS,” said Amber Anderson.
“The ministry has implemented a strategy to verify that payments are accurate. In some cases, this has included manual validations to ensure the new system is working properly,” Anderson said.
“The verification process was successfully completed and payments are on track for delivery. We expect recipients to receive their cheques on time as per the usual process,” she said.
“There was an error identified earlier this week where the system was generating incorrect payments. The fact is that for the clients involved in this situation, we were able to either stop these payments before they went out, or retract them immediately within 24 hours with minimal impact to clients. In an extremely limited number of instances where we were not able to retract the incorrect payment, we are working directly with the clients. The whole situation was rectified within 24 hours,” she said.
She acknowledged the change, “can be stressful for frontline case workers,” and thanked them for their dedication.
Tory critic Bill Walker said his party asked the government about the new system in a committee and was assured both by the minister and by senior bureaucrats that it was under control.
“It’s unacceptable that yet another screw-up has happened.
“The costs to figure it out and the time and money that’s going to be needed to straighten the mess out are totally unacceptable,” he said.
“The people who need it most, the people who are the most needy in our society, are going to pay the price for this,” he said.
This is the government that brought us the eHealth boondoggle where $1 billion was wasted in a failed attempt to get health records on line.
What are the chances they’ll get it right this time?
Apparently, they still haven’t learned how to install computer systems efficiently.
Funny thing, though, they were awfully good at deleting e-mails. Perhaps they can get the tech genius who did that so efficiently to fix this mess.
Or not.
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